15 ; mr. carver

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Bella's sleepy snuffles echoed in the car. She rolled her head gently against the car window, bottom lip being cruelly bitten in between her top teeth.

"She'll be alright," Alice spoke beside him, removing her unwavering gaze forwards to look sideways at him. Her golden eyes mimicked the sun's vibrant color and it's hopefulness.

"We better hope so," Tate replied, tightening his hands on the steering wheel. He felt Alice's eyes watch the movement, but she didn't say anything.

"I've seen a few snippets," Alice slips, adjusting her body in her seat. "There's not a lot I can go on. Nothing concrete but enough to know that we'll be okay at the hotel."

Alice's words made the fear in Tate's chest lesson, even if it was minutely. He knew Alice was giving him what she could, being that Tate was the cause for all the guessing they were having to do lately. He wished he knew how to turn it off, even if it was just for this instance.

Carlisle enthused that it was a strong gift from when he had been human. Maybe defensive, given that it effected offensive powers, but Tate was dubious. He wasn't sure if he wanted something that made him even more separate from his human self.

The hotel was ordinary. The Mercedes that Carlisle had them drive to Phoenix in was starkly out of place in parking lot like this. Alice hummed softly as they pulled into a parking space, her body already sliding from the car as she cat-walked towards the front doors.

Sighing softly, Tate eyed Bella in the back of the car. He undid his seatbelt, a human habit, and made his way towards the back of the car. He opened the door that Bella wasn't leaning against, and leaned over to tap her shoulder.

Bella snuffled once more, voice foggy, "Edward?"

"You wish," Tate replied shortly, giving a brief grin.

He watched as his friend's eyes sobered up from sleep as she took in his voice. Bella's hair was mused in every direction, lips dry and chapped with exhaustion. "Where are we?"

"Hotel Arizona." Tate sang to the tune of 'Hotel California by Eagles' , watching as Bella's lips curled slightly upwards at his attempt at singing. Tate was glad that she could still smile despite what was happening.

"Help me bring the bags inside the room." Tate finally said, moving towards the back of the car. He popped open he trunk, grabbing Bella's small luggage bag and then Alice's.

Tate gave Bella's bag to her, which she took with a gentle smile and walked towards the room. Alice joined them a few moments afterward, her manicured hand holding two rooms keys in her fist. She eyed the designer bag on Tate's shoulder, giving a him brief eyebrow raise and a mirth filled grin.

A soft huff left Tate's mouth as they entered their room. Room 213. Bella gave a soft hum from the back of her throat, moving towards the back bedroom with her belongings. A bedroom only she would be using, since she was only one that required shut-eye to recharge herself.

Taking a place beside Alice on the couch, Tate tried to ignore all the different smells he could identify in the room. Alice's floral scent clogged his nose as he directed his senses towards it, making him focus on it's calming scent instead of mold and moth balls.

"Do you want to watch T.V?" Alice asked, turning her eyes towards him.

The question slightly startled Tate. "I haven't watched T.V. in months,"

"You have been busy," Alice replied, her eyes shuddering for a few moments. Tate understood the expression. Both of them preferring to never re-live the first few days of Tate's transformation.

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