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The trunk of the car closed with a soft click.

A silver Chevrolet Malibu sat in the driveway of the Cullen home as Tate's new car. A gift from both Esme and Carlisle for Tate's going-away gift.

"I think that is the last of the bags," Alice said, fixing the scarf that was wrapped slightly around her head. It was a soft scarf, velvety with different colors blotched on it in some type of pattern. Her white sun-dress complimented the scarf, as well as her bright red ballet flats.

"I'm going to miss you," Bella spoke, moving towards Tate. Her leg was still healing, out of the cast, but it left her with a slight wobble. She pressed her warm face against his neck, "Make sure you call on my birthday, alright?"

"As long as you let them have a party for you," Was Alice's reply, her tone light as she grasped Bella away from Tate, giving a firm hug. Once she pulled away, she tapped her temple in a comical manner. "I'll be watching."

At Bella's soft laugh, Tate began hugging his second family. Esme held him tighter than all the rest, having grown a stronger bond with him during his transformation than anyone else. Tate hugged her tight too. He was going to miss her greatly.

"You better get going," Carlisle spoke, pulling away from his hug with Alice. "If you want to make it to Oregon in time for what you have planned."

"Why are you going to Oregon anyway?" Rosalie asked, arms crossed from where she was wrapped in Emmett's large biceps. Her tone was more curious than distasteful.

"We're not," Tate said, placing his hands into his pockets.

Alice paused by the driver's side door of the car, her expression confused. "We're not?"

"Well we are, just not the state," Was Tate's reply, grinning from ear to ear. At Alice's confused expression, Tate cleared up his words. "You said that your niece was in Mississippi, right?"

Nodding, Alice spoke softly, "Yes. I have yet to meet her properly."

"Well, have you ever heard of Oregon, Mississippi?" Tate asked, and he watched as a light of understanding flickered its way into Alice's eyes.

"You were going to take me to visit my niece?" Her voice was choked with emotion, eyes softened with an emotion that Tate couldn't place. However, by the small smile on her face, he could tell it was a good one.

"She's your family Alice," Tate said, giving a tiny bashful smile. "I want you to know her."

At this, Alice let a small laugh leave her lips. Her eyes were glowing brightly, shining with joy and Tate internally promised himself he'd do everything in his power to keep them like that for the rest of eternity.

Once they said their final goodbyes, Tate slid into the passenger seat while Alice took the driver's seat of the car. They both waved goodbye to their family as they drove away from the home, waiting a few minutes before speaking to one another.

Tate placed his hand over the console in between them, palm face-up and expectant. "Are you ready to travel the world with me?"

Alice turned to look at him, their eyes locking. "I'd go anywhere with you."

She then placed her hand into his.

And their adventure begins.

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