08 ; by the docks

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Mud squished underneath Tate's slate grey Converse as he hiked himself across the parking lot. His lanky body weaving through the parked cars, as he tried to listen to whatever Eric was saying to him on his left side.

"I just need to find that one picture, you know? The one that will make the front page this year of the newspaper."

"Have you tried any sports events?" Tate suggested, looking over at the dark haired male.

"Too common," Eric replied, shrugging off Tate's suggestion. He then moved away from Tate's side, calling out towards Lauren who was getting out of her red car.

Choosing to make his escape, Tate continued across the parking lot. Occasionally looking up to see what students were loading up on a bus, one that would lead them towards a greenhouse at a local high school a town over.

Tate would've asked his mother to sign the permission slip, if she hadn't been crying inside of her bedroom the night before. So, he'd forged her signature and had spent the entire night in his bedroom as well, listening to music and trying to drown out his father's advice about 'staying positive'.

"Tate!" This was Bella's voice, coming from right behind him.

"Hey," Tate said, giving the brunette a fond smile.

Bella saddled up beside him, shoving her thumbs inside of the front pockets of her jeans. Her hair was tucked underneath a grey beanie, that did little to protect her from the cold. "How are you? I feel like we haven't spoken in forever."

"It's because you've been busy," Tate pointed out, ignoring Bella's question about his well-being.

"Sorry," Bella replied, blushing slightly. "You excited for this trip?"

"I'm shaking with excitement," Tate's voice was flat.

Bella chuckled at his words, before falling into silence. They stepped towards Mr. Banner, saying their names and letting themselves be checked off the list. The two of them then climbed the steps leading to the bus, heading towards the few empty seats in order to sit beside one another.

Tate motioned for Bella to sit beside the window, noticing how to the female seemed to be distracted by something. Glancing in the direction she was looking in, Tate caught his eyes with Edward Cullen's, seeing the bronze haired male was watching them from the back of the bus, beside his lean framed blonde brother.

"Bella," Tate whispered, nudging his friend.

Startling, Bella took the window seat with fiery pink cheeks. Tate moved to slid into the space beside her, when a voice was speaking behind him.

"Excuse me," Alice said, a grin forming on her face as Tate turned to face her.

"Hi," Tate breathed, eyes tracking over Alice's perfectly pale face.

"Hi," Alice replied, giving him a smile before sliding past him to join her brothers in the back of the bus.

"Mr. Carver, please take a seat!" Mr. Banner shouted from the front of the bus, as the bus driver closed the doors and started the engine.

A blush formed on Tate's cheeks as a few people snickered at his expense. He sat down beside Bella, placing his backpack on his lap and trying to focus on something other than Alice.

"You know Alice?" Bella was speaking to him, body cocked in his direction with the back of her head resting against the rainy window.

"Um," Tate frowned, not sure how to word what he and Alice were.

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