05 ; quarter past midnight

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Muffled voices resonated throughout Tate's head. Making his eyes scrunch together as his aching skull tried to translate the words. A small sound left his throat, and at once, the voices ceased.

"Tate?" A familiar voice said, "Tate? Can you hear me?"

"Yes," Tate groaned out, blinking his eyelids open and he winced as soon as a bright light beamed down at his pupils. Rapidly blinking for only a few moments, Tate finally focused on the wooden beamed ceiling in his line of vision.

"Where am I?" He asked afterwards, moving to sit up when a hand landed onto his shoulder.

"You don't remember?" Bella's voice asked, her face coming into view. Tate stared at her for a few moments, before trying to process her words.

In a trail of endless thought, Tate remembered the fists and the words of his and Bella's attackers. How his head ached, less than it was currently, and how he'd taken many blows to the face. Instinctively, Tate gently touched his fingers to his top lip, feeling that it was naked of any dried blood.

"Dr. Cullen cleaned you up," Bella said in response to his actions.

At the mention of the doctor's name, Tate turned to look at the blonde haired man behind him. Dr. Carlisle Cullen was watching Tate with a thoughtful expression, golden eyes calculating different things about Tate's responses.

"How did I get here?" Tate asked finally, words feeling weird on his tongue.

"Edward drove you here," It was Dr. Cullen who answered, "Do you not remember this event?"

"I think," Tate paused, thinking over his words. "I think I might have passed out on the ride over here."

"He did," Bella said, also seeming to be thinking about the events that had occurred earlier in the night to them both. "Edward had to carry him into the house."

A soft blush floated onto Tate's cheeks at the thought of Edward carrying him into the house. Bridal Style was almost certainly the way the paler male would've chosen to carry Tate's unconscious body into the house, which only added to Tate's mortification.

"How long have I been out?"

"An hour," Dr. Cullen replied, before stepping forwards from his place in the doorway and reaching into his front pocket to grab a small flashlight. "If you don't mind, I was hoping I could do a few tests to make sure there isn't any damage?"

"More than there already is?" Tate asked, before he could stop to think about who was listening to his and Dr. Cullen's conversation.

"Anymore damage?" Bella asked, dark eyebrows creasing together.

Dr. Cullen and Tate met eyes for a brief moment, and Tate shook his head only slightly to inform the doctor that Bella knew nothing about his declining health.

"He had some brain inflammation," Dr. Cullen said easily, "I just want to make sure that it's not getting worse."

Not seeming like she believed them, Bella reluctantly nodded anyways. She turned to look out the glass walls, catching the attention of Edward. Who, was watching the exchange between Carlisle and Tate curiously. Bella excused herself, leaving the room and mumbling something to Edward that caused them both of leave from Tate's view.

"Look at me please," Dr. Cullen said, moving towards Tate with a bright light. Tate did was told, waiting patiently as the doctor gently ghosted a light in front of his pupils.

"Any headaches?" Dr. Cullen asked, placing his flashlight into his breast pocket.

"A bit," Tate said, rubbing softly at his temple. "Nothing that I can't handle."

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