16 ; the future in rewind

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Tate shifted beside Bella in the airport, body stiff and still with anxiety.

The human beside him was nervously twitching her hands beside herself. Her pulse was roaring inside of Tate's ears, thumping and jolting every so often.

Above them, a voice told the citizens in the airport of the departing and landing flights happening around them. The flight that was incoming was the very one that Tate and Bella would have to escape before its passengers unloaded.

Alice was standing by the flight boards, which showcased all of the many flights happening that day. She was tapping her chin with her finger, golden eyes studying the board in a slightly relaxed manner. Tate could tell just by her stance that she was stressing over what she had seen about Bella's future yesterday.

She knew nothing about James. Or about the plan Tate and Bella were about to complete.

"Go to her." Bella said softly, voice stark inside of Tate's ear.

Tate glanced downwards at Bella, seeing that the brunette was staring upwards at him. She looked so pale, so fragile, that Tate didn't want to stress her by arguing. He nodded his head, moving through the throngs of people towards Alice.

Upon his approach, Alice's eyes sparkled in surprise before softening with amusement. Tate stared at her face for a bit longer then necessary, trying to remember every curve and slope. Alice Cullen was a truly remarkable woman in every sense of the word.

"Are you alright?" Alice asked, turning her body slightly in Tate's direction.

Tate paused a few seconds before answering, caught up in staring at the dark lashes of Alice's eyes. "I'm fine. I just - I'm just nervous for Bella. She isn't herself."

Despite seeming to sense the lie in his words, Alice didn't do anything but hum in agreement. She gently grasped Tate's hand in her own, curling their fingers together. The familiar action sent sparks of pain along Tate's chest, like sickly spider-webs.

It was in moments like this, where Tate was glad he couldn't cry anymore. He didn't know if he could hide the emotions in his eyes from Alice if he were still human.

"They should be landing in a few minutes," Alice said, her thumb brushing over Tate's knuckles on her hand. She seemed to be soothed by this knowledge, while Tate had the opposite reaction.

Tate could sense Bella before she spoke. "I have to go to the restroom."

Alice removed herself from Tate's personal space to look at the brunette. "Oh, Edward-"

"I'll take her," Tate cut off Alice, shrugging his shoulders. "I'm getting antsy just standing here and waiting."

A refusal seemed to dance on Alice's tongue, but she just sighed after a moment. "Alright. Just make it back as quickly as you can. Edward is going to be antsy."

Bella nodded her head, turning on her heel to head towards the bathroom. Tate watched her for a few moments, turning back towards Alice and giving her a small smile.

Alice was watching him as he watched her, golden eyes soft with adoration.

Tate hesitated only a moment before he was pressing his mouth to hers, their lips connecting like they had only once before. He felt Alice's body stiffen in surprise, before she seemed to soothe a moment later, slinking into his embrace and into his kiss.

As soon as it was beginning, it was over. Tate was pressing his forehead against Alice's for a brief second, opening his eyes and then pulling away. His fingers dropped from hers, slipping effortlessly away, as Alice opened her eyes to stare at him once more.

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