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It seemed that fitting in chairs, like Tate's mental state, weren't made for immortality.

Despite the many positions he conformed his body into, Tate couldn't find the proper way to situate his body on Esme's decorative furniture. Tate honestly didn't know how Emmett found any place to lay down in the Cullen home. Given that while Emmett wasn't bigger than Tate vertically, he was horizontally.

"Creak that chair again and I'll throw you out of it." Rosalie snapped at him, golden eyes gazing upwards at him from above the newspaper in her lap. Which was strange, since the blonde never really spoke to Tate unless Emmett was in the room.

"It's uncomfortable," Tate reasoned, giving the other blonde a stern glance. He adjusted once more, watching in amusement as the accompanying squeak of the seat made Rosalie's face tighten angrily.

"Don't aggravate her," This was Jasper, who was sparing glances back and forth between Rosalie and Tate. Obviously sensing two conflicting emotions from either of them.

"You're supposed to be on my side." Tate replied, placing a pout into his voice, however he kept his emotions filled with playful teasing. He didn't want Jasper feeling any negative emotions from him if he could help it.

In reply to Tate's words, Jasper delivered a brief smirk before he was going back to staring out the window. A strange ritual that Alice had said soothed Jasper's mind. Tate didn't understand the appeal, but didn't bother his adoptive "brother" any longer.

However, Rosalie was a different story. Tate adjusted in his chair once more, and struck his hand outwards to catch the glass vase that was flung in the direction of his head as reply to his actions.

In the kitchen, Esme gasped in an appalled manner, sticking her head around the kitchen's doorframe to give a hearty glare in Rosalie's direction. "Rose, that's enough."

"It's alright," Tate butted in, moving the vase in his hands. Admiring the teal paint that Esme had placed onto it's exterior. "It wouldn't have hit me anyways. Newborn reflexes, remember?"

"It's not how we solve problems in this family." Was Esme's parting words before she entered the kitchen once more, bumping her hip against Carlisle's in a domestic manner.

"You'd be good at baseball with those reflexes," Emmett's booming voice commented, entering the house through the back door. His eyes were a brilliant gold, and the faint sent of animal lingered in his usual pine scent, implying that he'd just fed.

"I don't play sports." Tate replied, curling in on himself slightly. The last person who had ever mentioned sports to him had been Mike, and he hadn't spoken to his cousin in a month.

When Tate went to school, he made a habit to cling to either Alice, Jasper, or Emmett and Rosalie. Alice because Tate always felt more like himself in her presence. Jasper, because despite never showing warm feelings to one another, having a support buddy when it came to control helped solidify their diets of feeding only on animals. Emmett and Rosalie, because Tate couldn't hang out around Edward without seeing Bella, and he wasn't ready to see her quite yet. Not that it mattered, given that Esme was making dinner for the human girl currently.

Based off what Edward told him, Bella missed Tate terribly. She always asked Edward about Tate, knowing the gist of what had happened at the docks, but had yet to truly witness the outcome of it herself. Edward understood why Tate wasn't ready to a degree.

Tate wasn't ready to begin molding his immortal life with his human one quite yet. Which was why he was still hesitating with Alice.

A spark of warmth entered Tate's body, making Tate glance at Jasper with grateful eyes. The other blonde was still looking out the window, which cause Tate to snort out loud. This got him another brief glare from Rosalie's direction on the couch.

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