11 ; overcome

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Tate's hand hovered above Alice's bedroom door.

The female's scent was potent inside, thrumming against the underside of his nostrils. As far as Tate knew, Alice could sense his hesitation, but was choosing to ignore his stalling. He both hated and appreciated her for this fact.

His knuckles tapped against the door gently. His body thrumming with energy as he waited in the hallway. Alice's bedroom was a few doors down from the room Tate had claimed as his own, a room that also doubled as a storage for some things Esme had kept over the years.

Alice's sent grew closer behind the door, before it flung backwards and opened to reveal the female. Her short hair was spiked out around her face, framing perfect cheekbones and contouring her eyes to be the focal point of her face.

"Tate?" Alice's voice was filled with confusion, lips twisted softly on her face. "What are you doing here?"

"You didn't know?" Tate asked slowly, raising an eyebrow.

He tried to remember what Carlisle had said about vampire gifts. He knew Edward's was telepathy, and Jasper's was some strange form of empathy, and how Alice was the third of their "family" to have some type of gift. Precognition is what Carlisle had called it, and Tate had only been half listening at the point; too busy trying to wrap his mind around telepathy.

At Tate's question, Alice's expression hardened. "Are you wanting to come in?"

Nodding his head stiffly, Tate stepped into Alice's bedroom. He was struck with the memories all at once as he glanced at the familiar walls. Tate's eyes diverted from the bed, remembering what it had felt like with his human body pressed against Alice's immortal one.

Oh, how oblivious he'd been.

"Is there something you wanted?" Alice's tone was soft, despite the question holding some negative edge to it.

Tate turned away from the walls, looking at the female who was standing silently behind him. Alice was posed naturally, legs crossed at the ankles, feet pointed in their bright yellow ballet flats. The color of her shoes matched the yellow top she was wearing, which was paired with a pair of regular blue jeans. A simple outfit for someone who was anything but.

"I need to understand," Tate said, licking the corner of his lips. "I need to understand why you- Why you, chose me? Is that the proper term? I don't know how to-"

"I chose you because I didn't know you," Alice interrupted, golden eyes twinkling. She stepped forwards slightly, as graceful as a dove. "With my gift, I see everyone before I actually meet them. I know what day, what hour, what second I'll meet that very person. What they'll say, what they'll be wearing, what they'll be doing. I know everything. That didn't happen with you."

At Tate's lack of questions, Alice continued. "I signed up for a new literature class. One my siblings wouldn't share with me. I answered the questions I knew the teacher was going to ask me. I knew what her answer back to me would be. I knew everything. All up until a boy in the class decided to counter my argument with one of his own."

"Me." Tate said softly, watching as Alice nodded.

"I didn't see even a figment of you in my visions. Never have. Not at the hospital when you bumped into me. Not in the library, not when those guys decided to attack you and Bella in Port Angeles, and not when I saw you bleeding out at the docks."

Alice's eyes grew darker at the memory, but she was still speaking, "You should thank Edward for finding you at the docks. He just happened to catch the conversation you and Mike had after the field trip in Mike's mind as they were loading back onto the buses. He didn't think it was important at the time, until Bella had said in a passing comment that you weren't answering your phone and that she was getting worried. After dropping her off, he'd drove to the docks, found you and those monsters, and had kept you stable until I could arrive with Carlisle."

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