17 ; one more love song

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The hospital's doors slid open gently.

Antiseptic was floating in the air, making Tate's nose crinkle as he made his way towards Bella's hospital room. He was underneath the impression that his best friend was awaiting his visit.

His Converse, which were un-laced, were tapping against the flooring as he stepped into the elevator. He pressed the fourth floor button, clenching a bouquet of flowers in his fist as he glanced forwards at his reflection in the mirror.

Golden eyes stared back at him but for the first time, Tate didn't feel a rush of fear or disgust upon viewing his reflection. Instead, he felt his chest relax with gratefulness. A strange emotion to feel when a few days ago he could barely stomach the thought of himself.

Now, that disgust was gone.

Replaced by the gratitude Tate held for his immortal body and how it had saved Bella's life that day in the studio. How he had destroyed the monster who was threatening everything he cared about. The monster who had taken away his mortality and had replaced it against Tate's will, with something different.

In a way, Tate did owe James a 'thank you' because now he liked himself. He liked his body, what it could do, how it moved, - who it could save. He had found peace with himself and his reflection. A feat Tate had thought impossible.

The door opened, sliding the two halves of Tate's reflection away. He stepped from the elevator, giving a nearby nurse a bright smile, which had her heart jumping in her chest. Counting the room numbers, Tate turned his body into the fifth room on his left.

Bella was sitting up in her bed, her broken leg resting in a plaster cast. Her brown eyes lifted upwards from her hands upon his arrival, lips turning up into a bright smile.

"Hey," Tate said, moving into the room. He stuck the flowers in his hand outwards, "Esme wanted me to give you these. Said they were good for healing or something."

Taking the flowers from Tate's hand, Bella sniffed them lightly. "They're Orchids."

"They're very purple," Was Tate's comment as he moved a seat closer to Bella's bedside. He shifted, crossing his legs over one another and leant forwards. "How's your peg-leg?"

"I don't have a peg-leg," Bella replied, rolling her eyes in an amused manner. "It's fine. I'm on a lot of pain medication."

"I'll make sure you don't get addicted," Tate commented, trying to keep the air in the room light. He didn't want to talk about the studio, or James.

As if reading his mind, Bella spoke, "Are we not going to talk about what happened?"

"You fell through a window," Tate replied, lifting his hand and grasping Bella's own tightly. He made sure to connect his eyes with hers, before asking in a pleading manner, "Okay?"

"Alright," Bella said, nodding her head. "Well, thank you for saving me after I fell from that window because you saved my life."

Of course Bella would twist his words like that. Tate snorted slightly, giving her a bright smile as he nodded at his best friend. Bella's resilience and inability to follow directions was why they worked so well together. It was why they were best friends - siblings, in all the ways but blood.

"They were out of vanilla bu-Oh, hello!" Renee's voice was cheery and fun as she entered the hospital room, holding two cups of chocolate ice-cream in her hand.

"Hello Mrs. Dwyer," Tate said, giving Renee a small smile.

"Tate, isn't it?" Renee asked, stepping into the room. At Tate's nod, Renee flung her arms around his shoulders. "Oh, thank you, for saving Bella from that fall."

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