Chapter 17: Ambiguity

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Savana POV

"Hello?" I said as I glanced up at the clock on my night stand. 3:00am.

"Ana?" I heard Erica's voice say through her uncontrollable sobs.

"Erica what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"He took the ring back, he broke up with me he's disgusted with me and he doesn't want to marry me." She spoke extremely slow as if she was having trouble catching her breath.

"Erica are you okay? You sound as if you're having trouble breathing what's wrong?"

"I-I-I can-t b-rea-the." She stuttered as her voice began to become more shallow.

"Where are you?"

"Outside Arena" She managed to get those words out before ending the call. I pushed the cover off of me before getting up and running to the closet. I took off Aaron's shirt before putting on my bra and tank top. I grabbed my yoga pants and pulled them on before putting on my red Miami heat hoodie.

"Babe where are you going?" I heard Aaron say from the bed room. Walking back in the room I walk towards him.

"Erica just called me she's really shaken up, Joseph and her got into an argument and he took her ring back. I'm going to go get her."

"Wow I'm sorry babe. I hope she is okay call me when you get her." He said as he sat up and kissed my lips. I kissed back sliding my hand up to grab his neck making the kiss deeper. He placed his hands on my hips before pulling me on top of him. I reluctantly pulled away from the kiss.

"I gotta go babe, I'll call you and let you know if everything is okay." I said gently biting his bottom lip before getting off of him.

"Don't be gone for to long." He said before smacking my ass. Gasping I turned around and smirked at him before grabbing my phone and running downstairs to the garage. Slipping on my converse I grabbed my keys from the key hook and got into my pink Jeep. As I start the ignition I opened the garage door and backed out of the driveway. As I sped off to the Arena the garage door closed on its own. 15 minutes later I pulled into the arena parking lot. I looked to find Erica's car parked in the middle of the vacant lot. I parked next to her car before turning it off and getting out of the car, slamming the door behind me. I look inside to see Erica siting in the car shaking with the her car keys in her hand. I tapped lightly on the window starling her, she turned and looked at me with a look of fear and confusion.

"Erica it's Savanna, open the car door." She unlocked the car door, I slipped into the passenger seat closing the door behind me. She looked down at her hands refusing to make eye contact. Just by looking at her hands I could see her trembling.

"Erica calm down you're shaking. Erica tell me what's wrong, tell me what happened?"

"I already told you Savana, he doesn't want to me with me, he's disgusted with me."

"Why is he making such a huge deal out of this, all you did was kiss a guy its not like you fucking had sex with him."

"Savana how do I make things okay with Joseph? I need you to help me get my fiancé back." She said grabbing my arm staring into eyes with pleading eyes full of desperation.

"Erica calm down please you're scaring me. I need you to breathe." She let go of my arm before breathing in and out several times to calm herself.

"Are you okay?" I said cautiously looking at her. She slowly nods.

"Good now you are going to calm down and you are going to go to your house and make him talk to you. I don't care if you don't want to or not but you are going to make him listen."

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