Chapter 2: The Bite

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"Boyd and..." I ask Melissa.


"Cora are safe, while Erica is dead and no one is doing anything to find the alpha pack that killed her?" I ask, taking in the information.

"I wouldn't say that..."

"And this all happened last night, under the full moon, while I was passed out after one of my fits?" 

"Uh..." I groan and drop my head in my hands. "Sweetheart, you couldn't have done anything."

"That's the thing. I'm useless." I say, looking up at her. "I'm in here while everyone is risking their lives for others."

"That's not your fault." Melissa says, rubbing my back consolingly. 

A knock at the door stops her movements. I look up to see the last person I wanted to see. "Can I?" Scott asks nervously.

"Sure." Melissa says, exiting the room quickly after sending me a slight smile. I back up on the bed as he sits down. 

"Are you ok?" I ask. "From last night."

"Me? I'm fine." He says, confused. "I wanted to ask you the same thing." He searches my face, zeroing in on my sunken eyes and pale skin. 

"For now." I sigh.

"Look, Emma. I don't want things to be weird around us, so I'm just going to ask it." He says, drawing in a breath. "How long?" I gulp and look down, shrinking away from him. "Please just answer me."

"Less than a month." I whisper, not looking at him. "I know that it's not a lot of time, but---" He cuts me off by taking my hands.

"Do you remember what I said before?" He asks, looking into my eyes. "About me not letting you die?" I nod. "It's still true. I won't let it happen."

"Scott, I don't want the bite." I sigh, knowing it's the only way to keep me alive. 

"We will find another way." He says, bringing me closer to him. 

"Scott, I-" I stop, looking at his lips and back to his eyes. "I can't hurt you again." I sigh, looking down.

"I promise that you won't." He says.

"Not physically." I clarify. He looks at me, confused. "Look, I have a month. A lot can happen, but it still comes to an end. I'm going to eventually die, and if we-- if we start something..." I pause, looking at his face contorting in understanding. 

"How about, just friends?" He asks, smiling. 


"I'll keep trying if you say no." He teases.

I laugh slightly before nodding. "Fine, you nerd." I say, leaning into a hug. 

We pull away and Scott has a big smile on his face. "I guess, I'll-I'll see you tomorrow." He says, getting up. He walks right into the door, causing me to erupt into giggles. He pats the door before sliding out of the room. 


The next night, I stick on a beanie and sneak out of the hospital. I have been cooped up for like a week and seriously need some non-hospital scenery. 

Against my better judgment, I start to walk around the woods, enjoying the nice air. Before I know it, I'm in a familiar area. I try to place it as I keep walking.

I stop as I realize where I am: The Hale house stands in front of me. I slowly back up, and jog away. That place gives me the creeps. 

I keep walking around, listening to the wind. At some point I thought I heard someone else, but I ignored it. Must have been an animal. 

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