Chapter 13: Sleeping Problems

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3RD PERSON POV (big sections in italics are dreams)

"Em?" Scott asks, walking into her room. Her head picks up from her lap and she smiles slightly at Scott. 

"Hey." She responds. 

"My mom's ordering some food. Do you want some?" Scott asks hopefully. It has been two weeks since Deucalion left and Emma... She's been very closed off, so to speak. Scott gets it: her brother died. She's grieving. But sooner or later she's going to need to interact with people other than the pack. 

"I'm good." She says, before looking back at her lap. 

"You sure?" Scott tries to meet her gaze as he speaks, but fails.

"Yeah. Have fun." She answers. Scott sighs and reluctantly walks towards the door. He looks back to see that she hasn't moved. 

When Scott finally leaves the room, Emma gets up and grabs a bag full of clothes. Trying to make as little noise as possible, she brings her window up and slips out of the house. 

She hoists the bag onto her shoulders and walks into the woods. Over the past weeks, she has been able to memorize her path. She walks through the dimly lit forrest until she reaches the beautiful pond Scott showed her. 

She drops the bag and lies down, using the bag as a pillow. She looks up at the stars and sighs. Just like before, the brunette hates to think about her little brother but lets the boy into her thoughts for five minutes. She hopes he finds peace and resides in the stars or is at least with their parents. 

She spends the next hours trying to fall asleep but something prevents her: the nightmares. Emma hates them. Every time she gets even five minutes of sleep, her nightmares cause her to wake up screaming. She's glad that Scott hasn't noticed the dark circles under her eyes, but soon she will have to try harder to conceal them. 

By the time the sun comes up, Emma has not slept at all. She groans as she stands, ready to get back to the McCall residence. "Third night." She whispers to herself. "In a row." She groans before trudging through the woods and creeping back into her bedroom. 

She quietly closes the window and sighs. "I can not keep doing this." She whispers to herself, knowing full well that she needs to tell someone about her habits. 

"You got that right." Emma almost screams as the voice sounds through the small room. She jumps around to see Scott sitting on her bed.

"Scott." She gulps. "I can explain." 

"Please do." He says, sounding rather angry. Emma opens her mouth but nothing comes out. "So?"

"I didn't want to wake you guys up." She finally says, dropping the bag next to the bed. 

"Why would you wake us up?" Scott asks, standing up to meet her. 

"Well, one, there's my heart beat. I mean, you always talk about how you and Isaac can hear everyone's heartbeat, so all you'll do is get worried about mine. Second there are the..." Emma keeps rambling on and Scott doesn't get most of it. He watches her closely, recognizing the dark circles under her eyes. 

"Em, stop." Scott sighs. She shuts up and looks down as if she was a child that was caught eating a cookie before dinner. "You look exhausted." 

"Yeah, well..." She mumbles.

"Maybe my mom should check you out." Scott says, looking at the girl in concern.

"No! I mean, I feel fine. I wouldn't want to bother your mom." Emma quickly corrects herself.

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