Chapter 10: Beginning of the Ritual

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I watch as Deucalion's dead eyes glance around the forest. I look forward and see a lone firefly buzzing around. 

"It's a firefly." I say horsely. 

"Unusual for this region." Deucalion answers curiously.

"Then, it's because of Jennifer, right?" I ask, trying to fully understand what's happening. "Just before this started, I heard about the animal attacks. Deers, dogs, even crows. It's all her."

"They say animals can sense natural disasters when they're about to happen. Maybe they can sense supernatural ones as well."

"Does she scare you?" I ask tentatively, eyeing the Demon-wolf. 

"She concerns me if she's willing to kill that many innocent lives for her cause, people like Scott's mother and Stiles' father."

"Are-are you willing to kill innocent people?" 

"I'll kill any living this that gets in my way." Deucalion says, glancing over at me. I gulp before looking down shyly. "Come now, we have a druid to find." Deucalion sticks out his hand as I stick out my arm. He grabs my limb and we walk towards the rest of the Alpha pack. 

We come across a clearing where I see Ms. Morrell, the french teacher, standing in a circle of mountain ash with Kali and the twins surrounding her. "How did you know, Marin, that we'd come for you?" Deucalion asks, detaching from me and walking towards his emissary. 

"Because Jennifer and I are the same. And I know you've always been suspicious of us, of what we can do." Ms. Morrell glares at the alpha.

"With good reason. We know you sent that girl-- the one who helped Isaac." Kali says, circling Marin. 

"What was her name?" Deucalion asks.

"Braeden." Ms. Morrell spits. "And I sent her to do what I've always done- maintain balance."

"What do you know about Jennifer?" Kali asks, still circling the druid like a hawk watches prey. 

"Nothing more than you know." Ms. Morrell states before turning to me. "This isn't you, Emma. Go back to your friends."

"She," Deucalion starts, putting his cane in front of my body, making me shudder. "Can decide what's right for herself.

"Not without all the information. Have you told her everything you've done?" She asks angrily, but controlled. "How you've piled up bodies in a narcissistically psychotic effort to form your perfect pack?" I look over at him wearily to see his bored stance. "Bodies that include Ennis, by the way." She looks over at Kali and the rest of the pack. "My brother saved him. He was alive when Deucalion went in to see him. He wants you to go after Derek, Kali, to force his decision. If Derek joins the pack, it paves the way for Scott and Emma."

"The lies people will tell when their begging for their life." Deucalion brushes off her speech.

"Ask him." Morrell tells Kali. Deucalion had enough as he rips the top off of his cane, revealing a small knife. He throws the cane into Morrell's shoulder, sending her down as she breaks the mountain ask line.

I run forward as the others advance. I reach the druid first and growl at the others, "Back off!" They surprisingly listen as I turn back to Morrell. I slowly grip the cane and pull it out of her body with a grunt. "I'm not going to let them kill you." I say softly, facing her figure. "But if you know something, if you know where they are--"

"The Nemeton." She whispers. "You find that, you'll find Jennifer. Find the Nemeton." I nod softly before turning back to Deucalion. I start to stand until Morrell grabs me and pulls me down. 

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