Chapter 5: The Motel Glen Capri

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TRIGGER WARNING!!! This chapter contains suicidal thoughts and attempts. If this is a trigger, please message me and I can sum the chapter up for you.


The bus pulls into the Motel Glen Capri and all the kids file out of the small space. Stiles, Scott and Emma all walk out of the bus and look up at the creepy motel. "I've seen worse." Emma mutters. 

"Where have you seen worse?" Stiles asks, baffled. She gives him a look before the sound of a whistle blasts through the air. 

"Listen up! The meet's been pushed till tomorrow." Coach says, eyeing everyone. "This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves. You'll be pairing up. Choose wisely." He holds up a bunch of keys. Everyone pairs up and grabs a key.

Emma goes over to the hunter and the strawberry blonde. "Would it be ok if I room with you guys?" She asks sheepishly.

"Oh, you're defiantly sleeping with us." Lydia smirks.

"On second thought, I'll just go ask---"

"Nope. No way you are getting out of telling us about what actually happened." Lydia says dissmisivley, making Emma groan.

"Oh yeah. You're in for it now." Allison says, eyeing Emma with a smile. 

Emma and Allison grab a key as Lydia eyes the building. "And I'll have no sexual perversions  perpetuated by you little deviants!" Coach yells after the students. "Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!" 

"Lydia?" Emma asks, watching the frozen girl.

"I don't like this place." She says, eyes fixed on the building.

"I don't think the people who own this place, like this place." Allison jokes. "It's just for a night."

"A lot can happen in a night." She mutters before following the other girls to the room. 

"So, spill." Lydia orders once everyone is in the room. 

"Spill what?" Emma asks, looking down.

"I saw you two in the bathroom. What happened?" Lydia asks.


"And leave out nothing." Allison orders. "He may be my ex, but you two are cute."

"Really cute." Lydia agrees. Both girls sit on either side of a very flustered Emma.

"Well, when he came home, I helped him and I let him kiss me..."

"Was he good?" The girls ask, at the same time.

"Yeah... And then, when I thought he died, I my or may not have kissed him." Emma's checks flare red as she plays with her fingers. "And then he woke up so...."

"Are you dating?"

"Did you like it?"

"When are you going to have sex?" Questions flew at Emma, making her groan.

"I don't know, ok!" She snaps at them.

"Sorry." They mutter before Emma breaks.

"Fine! I like him. I know he likes me. I liked the kiss. I want to date and, Lydia, seriously? After like two kisses?"

"Duh!" Lydia exclaims with a smile. 

"I'm gonna shower. I need to get Scott's blood off my hands." Emma sighs, standing. She walks over to the bathroom but the towels reek of nicotine. "Lydia? Could you get new towels?"

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