Chapter 12: The Elemental

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"Stiles, drop me off here." I say, watching the storm get worse. 

"Why?" He asks, pulling up to the preserve.

"You need to find your dad. I need to get to Deucalion." I say, getting out of the car. "Don't argue, just go find everyone's parents." I tell him. He shakes his head before driving away.

I stand there for a few minutes, waiting for the others. Soon, the roar of a motorcycle catches my attention. I look up to see Allison's car and Scott's motorcycle stop in front of me. Scott races over and gives me hug as Allison and Isaac get out of the car.

"Where's Stiles?" Scott asks over the storm.

"I sent him to the Nemeton to find his dad." I say. "We gotta go." I grab his arm and I lead him towards a cliff. The others follow, getting ready to find the parents.

"Cutting it a little close, aren't we, Emma?" A voice says, making may blood freeze. 

I turn around to see Deucalion, and my breath hitches in my throat. Scott runs in front of me and pushes me away from the Demon Wolf. 

"We got a little delayed." Scott answers for me.

"Come on now Scott. The girl can answer for herself." Deucalion coos.

"Wye-Where are the others?" I ask from behind Scott. 

"Occupying themselves with other pursuits."

"So, we just have to finish the ritual and we fight her? Alone?" I ask, earning a look from Scott. 

"I think you'll be surprised what a good team we make." Deucalion says. I bite my lip and turn to the others.

"Ok, find Stiles, and then get to the root cellar, ok?" I ask seriously. "Deucalion and I will keep Jennifer away long enough for you to get them out of there."

"I'm going with you." Scott says.

"No, you're not." I say, shaking my head. "Scott, this was my deal, not yours."

"He can come. I'm not against a little help from a True Alpha." Deucalion says.

"He's not an alpha." I say.

"Not yet. Besides he has a plan, don't you Scott?"

"Yeah." Scott says. He shakes his head before turning to the other beta and the hunter. "Go!" They leave reluctantly, leaving Scott, Deucalion and I. 

We all reach the distillery, even though I hated the idea of Scott coming with us. "Your plan?" Deucalion asks Scott.

"On the first day of class, Jennifer sent us a message. It was the last line from Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. I got a message of my own to send her."

Scott walks in and goes towards the spiral etched into the wall. "Em, take a video of me." I comply as he hands me my phone. 

I nod as I start recording. He takes a deep breath before saying, "See this symbol? It's a symbol of revenge. You talk about balance, about saving people. We know what you really want, and now you know where to find us." He nods, indicating that I should stop the recording. 

"Oh and Jennifer."  Deucalion says, making me pause. "Do well to remember who I have on my side. A true Alpha, and soon all the fundamentals for human life." Scott furrows his eyebrows at Deucalion's statement. 


The moment Deucalion ended his note, he swings his cane at Emma, knocking her down and breaking Scott's phone in half. Scott tries to run to Emma, but is tossed his phone. "End the video." Deucalion orders. Scott complies and tries to get to Emma, who is crawling away from the Demon- wolf. 

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