Chapter 14: What Really Happened To Ollie

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"How'd you sleep?" Scott asks, sitting up on his elbows.

"Better." Emma smiles from beside him. Seeing as Scott was the only one able to calm Emma down the day before, at the hospital, Melissa has allowed Scott to sleep in Emma's room.

"You wouldn't be lying to me, would you?" Scott asks jokingly.

"No..." Emma replies in amusement. She yells out as she feels hot breath on her neck.

"You sure?" Scott asks before attacking her neck with kisses. 

"Maybe I need more initiative not to lie." Emma insinuates, turning so she could see Scott.

"Oh, I can give you many reasons." He smiles, bringing his face closer to hers.

"Oh really?" She breathes.

"A lot more." Scott answers before attacking her lips with his. She giggles into the kiss, cupping his face and turning more towards Scott. His hands dance towards her hips and his pinkies slip under her shirt making her moan slightly. 

"Guys, please. You can do whatever you want when someone with werewolf hearing, AKA me, isn't home!" Isaac yells from his room. The couple break up with Scott rolling his eyes and Emma hiding under the covers. 

"You know he's not actually watching us, right?" Scott asks, laughing at her reaction.

"Yeah, I am." Isaac says, peaking through the door. 

"I'll meet you outside, Isaac." Scott says, trying to sound authoritative. 

"Sure..." Isaac mutters, walking downstairs. Scott moves under the covers and comes face-to-face with a very red Emma. His lips meet hers but she playfully pushes him off. In retaliation, he goes to kiss down her neck, making her moan involuntarily.

"Scott, I would love to but," She pauses, pushing him back. "You have to get dressed for school."

"Fine. Only for you though." He responds, faking a pout. 

"Go!" She pushes him with a smile. She pushes too hard and he rolls off the bed, landing with a grunt. "Scott? You ok?" She asks.

"Yeah." He groans, getting up. "I'll see you after school, Em." He says, kissing her forehead before leaving the room. 

Emma bites her lip as she walks around her room. She finally got some sleep and she was with her boyfriend. What could possibly go wrong?


At around noon, Emma decides to get some food. As she sits at the table, thinking about what she wants, she hears something drop off the island. 

She jumps up and turns around, looking for the source of the noise. Her eyes widen as she steps back. "You're not real. I just fell asleep." She breathes, backing away from a very angry looking boy.

"You left me! Again!" Oliver screams. "I thought you cared about me!"

"Not real. You're not real." Emma mutters to herself before she slams into the door. 

"I trusted you Emmie! And you-you did this to me!" Oliver yells before throwing her phone at her face. She ducks before her phone slams into the wall, breaking into pieces. She stares at it in shock before running upstairs to her room. 

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