Chapter 11: Finding the Nemeton

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"Scott, I am sure that Emma is fine." Dr. Deaton tries to sooth the beat.

"But she hasn't called or texted in a while." Scott's worry was evident through his voice on the phone. A ding at the door draws the vet into the lobby. "I just want to know she's ok..."

"Scott, I'm going to have to call you back." Deaton says before hanging up the phone. He stares at his visitors, trying to keep a straight face.

"We need your help." Ethan says, looking at the body in his hands. 

"It's been at least seven hours and she hasn't woken up." Aiden claims, walking towards the druid. "Will you help us?"

Deaton's eyes shift from the twin's face to the brunette in Ethan's hands. "Come in." The vet says, letting the boys cross into the clinic. 

The boys rush to the steel table and Ethan gently places the girl on the table, hair still covering her face. Deaton notices the stillness of the girl as well as the slight movement in her chest. She is breathing, but not enough to move the hair covering her face. 

Deaton checks her pulse to find it dangerously low. "Which fundamental are you on?" He asks tightly, knowing the ritual.

"Earth." Aiden answers, leaning against the door. 

"And she hasn't woken up?"

"She's alive." Aiden answers rudely, earning a glare from his brother. 

"No, she hasn't woken up." Ethan sighs. "Deucalion won't let us help her, he's telling us to wait. That she's strong enough to break through."

"Well, there is no doubt in my mind that Ms. Bradley isn't strong enough. But I do believe that she might need some help." Deaton says, moving the hair out of the girls face to reveal Emma's peaceful expression. "Where is her brother?"

The twins stay silent. Not even they know what happened to Oliver. Deaton sighs, "I'm going to need to call him."

"No!" The twins object immediately. 

"Deucalion will kill us." Aiden says, wide-eyed.

"And he won't hesitate to kill you either. You can't call him." Ethan adds.

"She might never wake up! He is our only shot." Deaton says. 


"If you leave now, you won't know if I call him or not. Tell Deucalion I told you to leave. Now go!" Deaton says angrily. The twins look at each other before exiting the clinic. Deaton walks over to his phone and calls the one person who could help Emma.

"Scott, you need to get down here. Now."


Scott walks into the animal clinic, unsure of why deaton called him. "Deaton?" He asks, seeing his mentor standing in the doorway. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

"No, but someone else is." Deaton says solemnly. His words trigger something in Scott. Scott rushes past the vet to see the body on the table. 

"Emma?" He asks, expecting a response. When he gets none, he runs up to her still figure, listening to her heart beat. "Deaton, what's happening to her?" He ask, getting more alarmed by the second. 

"It's part of the ritual."

"You said that all she had to do was give a little blood!" Scott shoots back. "I don't think getting drenched in water and being sprinkled with dirt has anything to do with that!"

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