Chapter 4: The Bus Incident

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"Am I getting too close? I'm getting too close, aren't I?" I ask the girls. 

"That depends. Are you just following the bus, or are you planning on mounting it at some point?" Lydia asks. 

"You're right, I should back off." I whisper, easing up on the gad pedal.

"Well, that also depends. Do you mean the bus, or the something-like-a-boyfriend-but-not-a-boyfriend you're currently stalking?" Lydia asks, earning a glare from me but a laugh from Allison. 

"Well, after the way he came home last night, I'm not letting him out of my sight." I mumble, hoping they didn't hear. 

"What do you mean? What happened?" Allison asks, poking her head in between the front seats. 

I sigh as I remember what happened. 

Isaac and I stand in the doorway, watching Scott put on his jacket. He grabs his motorcycle helmet and turns around. "Whoa." He gasps, seeing us. 

"Where are you going?" Isaac asks, leaning against the doorframe. 

"Uh, I was going to go get some food to eat." He says, some-what unsure. It takes all of my energy to suppress a smile and keep a straight face. 

"Cool, we'll come with you." I say, nodding towards Isaac. 

"Nah, it's ok. I can eat alone." Scott says.

"What are you getting?" I ask. 

"Mex-ic-an?" He says, looking down. I bite my lip as he looks back at us. His eyes find my lip and I immediately feel a blush come to my cheek. 

"Dude, I love Mexican." Isaac says, turning to leave. Scott grabs his arm, stopping him.

"Isaac." He says seriously, gaining the blonde's attention. "I can eat alone, it's ok."

"You're not going alone." I say, giving him a smile. Both Isaac and I know that Scott is going to meet Deucalion before Derek and his pack has the chance to attack the Demon-wolf. 

"Come on." Isaac says. Scott looks at me with his puppy dog eyes, making me sigh.

"I'll stay here. Don't worry." I say reluctantly, watching his lips tug into a smile. Isaac pats me on the back before the two boys head out to the Alphas' apartment.


I sit at the table, spooning out some ice cream as I hear a motorcycle in the driveway come to a stop. I keep eating but stop when the boys walk in the house. They are both bloody, clothes torn up. They walk in and Isaac goes straight to his room. Scott has an indescribable expression as he puts his keys away.

"What happened?" I ask, seeing the blood oozing from his side. I stand up and help him sit down. 

"Its all my fault." He mutters as I get a towel. 

"What is? What happened, Scott?" I ask, pressing the cool towel against his wound. 

"We-we went to Deucalion, but Derek knew. We got into this huge fight and if I--" He stops and winces at the pressure. I ease up as he continues. "If I had just stayed where I was, he wouldn't have... He wouldn't be..." I see a single tear roll down his face as he looks down. "I just can't believe he's..."

"Who, Scott?" I ask, worriedly.

"I just can't believe Derek's dead." 

After the story, we all fall silent. Lydia grabs a book on thermodynamics as Allison plays on her phone. I guess that they don't know how to respond to the story. But, I didn't tell them all of it.

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