Chapter Two: We Found Out Like This...

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Monday next week all you heard around school is about Dereck's birthday party. Some of my classmates, who I didn't see on my birthday, gave me birthday gifts. The best thing so far is my free birthday cookie from lunch.

Our last class is PE, or how the guys called it, Training. Training was our longest class, which lasted almost two hours. Humans like Tatum could leave after 50 minutes, but most of the time they stayed the two hours.

While walking to the girls' changing room I started to notice this smell. It smelled so good! Almost delicious.

"Do you guys smell that?" I asked Tatum and Eve.

"You mean the God-awful odor of sweaty men? Yeah, even as a human I can smell it." Tatum said with a disgusted look.

"No it's not that. I also smelled it during lunch, but it was faint...But maybe you are right. Let's go get ready." I said going into the girls' changing room.

When we changed to our Training uniform we went outside to the back of the school where a big open field was. There were a total of four open fields around school. Since everyone's last class is Training we divide each student by grade. On each grade there were two coaches and one assistant.

Our coaches were already there taking attendance. Once again, that delicious smell came back. You know that smell when you turn on the air conditioner of your car? Or the smell of new shoes? The one you can't stop smelling. Well this smell was that addicting. You just wanted to smell it until you couldn't inhale anymore!

"Ok ladies and gentlemen! Today is an easy day. Ten laps around the field, and two for you Tatum. After that a free day, but I want to see you all move. No shifting today either. That's all. Let's get moving!" Coach Lynch yelled.

All the students started running and other's preferred jogging like us. After Tatum finished, Eve and I quickened our steps and in less than thirty minutes we were done. Most of the girls were walking around the field or playing volleyball. We, on the other hand, were sitting in a table doing nothing. No we are not lazy. Tatum is lazy. She's still recovering from the two laps.

"I am never, ever running again in my life." she said.

"You say that every time coach makes you run." Eve said.

"Well tell coach to stop making me do stuff!" Tatum yelled.

"You're hopeless." Eve said.

Near the back entrance of the gym you could hear ruckus, and when I turned to look what was happening I froze as soon as I saw him. Even though Dereck was tall and was surrounded by tall boys his handsome face made him stand out from all of them. As soon as I saw him he froze too and turned to look at me. When we connected eyes we knew. I could see in his eyes recognition, and other feelings.

"I have to go to the restroom guys. I'll be right back." I said.

"Ok. We'll be waiting for you here." Eve said.

When I was out of sight I ran to the restroom. Once inside I stood in front of the mirror only to see my smiling face. I couldn't believe that I found him. But at the same time, now that I think about it, this is Dereck we are talking about. The boy who has bothered our group for a few years now. Well he did that to everyone playfully, but more especially to our group, more especially to me!

We were not enemies. Although, everybody thought we are. He's a great guy. It's not like he makes my life impossible. It was just a friendly competition of who comes with the best "comeback". From what he told me once, he said he like making me mad. Well to bad for him because I didn't get mad easily.

Once I calmed down from the excitement I washed my hands and got just outside the door to only stop. Dereck was resting against the wall in front of the restroom. You could feel the change around us. Even three feet apart from him I could feel the electricity that connected us like magnets. As we stared at each other you could see the adoration, the lust, and the want in each other's eyes. We couldn't help ourselves.

He made the first step and I followed. He wrapped me in his arms and gave me a kiss full of desire. But like all things that start they have to end and we stopped, but he still didn't let me go.

"I can't believe I found you. I can't believe it's you! It all makes sense now. Why I wanted to get your attention. I was a fool not to notice this." He said giving me kisses all over my face.

"I can't believe it either. Since young all I thought was who is going to be my mate. I never thought he would be right next to me." I said caressing his face.

We staid like this hugging each other and staring at each other.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" we said at the same time making us laugh.

"I'm pretty sure we are. At the count of three let's just say it at the same time. Ok?" I said.

"Ok. One."


"Three! We can't tell anybody!" we said at the same time.

We let out the breath we were holding.

"So we won't tell anybody about us...Until we are ready." I said intertwining my fingers in his long black hair.

"I guess. We don't want to ruin our reputation." he said.

"And how is that now?"

"Well..." he hugged me by my waist bringing us closer than we already were, "We have out little war. I'm a very proud man and people will start calling me pussy whipped. Because believe it or not I would do anything, whether I am capable or not, to fulfill anything you ask for. We have that and the fact that if I tell my parents, especially my dad, he will make you start preparing for Luna duties." he said resting his head against mine, "I know you is not ready for that right now."

It was at that time I knew I was in love with this man. My mate.

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