Chapter Nine: We Plan Our Future Like This...

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War broke out. When war comes we werewolves are the first to go in. Not only that, but we were drafted.

The Alpha and Beta and every man or teen over twenty were drafted. Most of them didn't have time to say good-bye to their love ones. I didn't get to say good-bye to Dereck. I was in class that day.

The only men that staid were the third in command, our doctor, my dad, and those with disabilities or older age. A few women decided to go, but most staid to take care of the pack. Our Luna, the Beta's wife, and the third in command were all in charge.

The only news we would get about our pack members was a letter the Alpha sent once a month saying if we had lost a member. But the only ones who knew were the ones in charge. I didn't even know if Dereck was alive.


Two Years Have Passed...

I graduated college with honors and soon started working as a 2th grade teacher.

The pack, even without the Alpha, managed to survive. We were still at war. The only pack members that came back were the injured ones and three deaths so far. Adriel came back about six months ago because he lost his right leg in combat. Eve was more than happy to have him back, with or without his leg. They even got married in the hospital and now they are expecting twins. Tatum moved to a human community not too far from ours to continue her studies to become a lawyer. She visits us every three weeks.

I loved working as a teacher. My students were young but behaved so good and were all participants. Not to brag, but I was an awesome teacher.

School had just finished and I was grading homework. Well trying to...My mind went to Dereck. I wondered how he was, if he was hungry or cold, if he was sleeping well. Just many things that worried me, and like always those things would get me all teary.

"You should stop crying like that before those tears become permanent." Said a very familiar voice.

I looked to my classroom door to see Dereck standing there in a military uniform. "Dereck?" I asked feeling more tears coming to my eyes.

Dereck gave me a smile, "Hey gorgeous. Miss me?" he said opening his arms.

I ran to him, tackling him in the process. I couldn't believe he was here. I touched his face and looked at him. He still looked the same, but with some differences. He had his hair cut short. His body was more muscular. He was a little bit taller. If you looked close you could see the battle scars he had on his face that have not yet healed.

"You're back. Oh my God. I can't believe it...How?...I missed you so much." I said resting my forehead against his crying my eyes out.

"I missed you more. It took two years but I'm back." He said kissing my tearful cheeks.

"Is everyone back too? Did the war end?" I asked.

"Yes. We somehow made a treaty that they accepted. We have many injured, but nothing life-threatening. In total we have eight deaths in our pack. We lost around three thousand wolves. Included in that are three Alphas and two Lunas." He said sitting in one of the table.

"Is the pack going to meet up today?"

"No. The whole pack is going to meet in two days. My dad wants us to rest and be with our families." He said.

"How is your dad?"

"He is alright, but has a hard time walking. In order to slow us down, human soldiers tried shooting at our legs. My dad got hurt during the last week before they made the treaty and had to get his two legs amputated."

"Thank God he is at least doing well. Your mom was really worried, but she did an awesome job taking care of us." I said.

He smiled, "My mom is a great woman. She not only had to take care of the pack, but also those two little devils I have for little brothers. Just taking care of them is equal to taking care of the whole country."

I laughed, "They are so big now. I have them this year. They are a piece of work, but good kids."

"Yeah." He stayed quiet for a moment before talking, "There is something I have to tell you."

I looked directly into his eyes and I knew what was coming, "You are going to be our new Alpha."

"Yes" he simply said looking down.

I grabbed his face and kissed him, "I know what you are thinking, but I'm ready. This time had to come sooner or later. In our case it came later, but...As long as I have you by my side I will be more than happy to work next to you as the Luna of this pack. I didn't want to admit this, but while you were oversea I went and took online classes for Luna training. I'm ready."

Dereck smiled and hugged me, "Thank you God for giving me the most gorgeous werewolf being in this planet."

"Oh stop it you." I giggled slapping his chest.

"We have to tell the pack at the meeting." He said.

"Well bring it on! Like I said...I'm ready."

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