FRERARD BULLSHIT (Its really long so plz bare with me)

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Ok so like fuck! I just really REALLY wanna know if something did happen between Frank and Gerard like dude I need to know! Why is Frank so damn sad now?! Why is he writing songs that are so MOTHER FUCKING SAD?! Why is my poor baby so depressed?! And wtf happened in projekt revolution bro like wtf is going on?! Frank and Gerard basically fought on stage! And after projekt revolution Frank started leathermouth and those songs are a fucking cry out and some people were like"nah just franks own genius" YEAH BUT WHAT ABOUT

"He's a coward and I need more time to get it across to you I'll fuck you just the same" (leviathan  by LM)

And the song "my lovenote has gone flat" IS FUCKING MIND BLOWING! In all the leathermouth songs Frank is mad, sad , fueled with rage towards somebody that did him wrong, and may I add again that this was after PR and what happened during PR?
That's right Gerard Arthur mother fucking way got married out of the fucking blue. LIKE THEY DIDN'T TELL ANYONE THEY WERE GETTING MARRIED, UNTIL ONLY A FEW MINUTES BEFORE!  lyn-z and gee were all"hey fuckers guess the fuck what? We're getting married right here in about an two minutes so be ready k bye" WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK! And supposably Ray said that he found Frank crying back stage where nobody could see him. If you look at the 'wedding pictures' of gee and lynz, Frank is nowhere in sight. NONE OF THEM! AND THERE IS ONLY TWO PICTURES OF THEIR WEDDING!

Now I think to myself 'ok something is really fishy here'. I find that shit really weird, gee not telling ANYBODY he's getting married until that day, a few minutes prior

And then I think back to when they had like a little split and I get it because if I were Frank(if something did happen) the last thing I would want to do is see Gerard's face.

I get it, Frank was pissed and he had become depressed and gained weight because of the medication, thus leathermouth was born, out of pure rage and frustration and confusion.
But then what I found kinda weird also is that after all that shit happened, danger days came and Frank and gee were back to doing 'stuff' on stage. (Gee had bandit or lynz was pregnant at the time, and I'm not completely sure but I think lily and cherry were born already also)

And the lyrics in danger days songs are kinda touching and shit idk if its just me that thinks this but I noticed this in the lyrics

" I'm the only friend that makes you cry, your a heart attack in black hair dye" (save yourself I'll hold them back)

And yeah I mean sure the black hair dye could be towards lynz but LYNZ'S REAL FUCKING HAIR IS BLACK SO?! WTF?! I think it's to Frank, especially because he added "I'm the only friend that makes you cry" what in the fuck do you mean Gerard? I think(maybe just me) he's kinda picking fun at Frank? Almost like

"Haha I made you write all those songs about me, boo hoo. Do I make you cry Frankie? Yeah I'm pretty sure I'm the only one"


WTF?!! Over a message they broke up with us, what assholes. And roamer has it that Frank didn't fucking know either. That he found out just like us. Can you imagine the pain and anger building up inside of him again? Gerard had made him look and feel like nothing all over again. And I feel that even if Frank knew about the break up, he was not okay with it. He was probably so fucking hurt and mad.

So then Frank the king released a album called ' stomachaches' now the songs in this damn good album are fucking hurtful, the lyrics are just so deep and his talking to someone the whole time during the album

In 'she's the prettiest girl(...)' he said "the things that YOU say hurt me most of the time but I'm sinking fast so it's alight"

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