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Hello you lovely fuckers, today I am here to rant on the common thing that most females go through

The period.

That time of the fucking month where ya know your fucking vagaina decides to collapse on itself

Periods are the worst thing fucking every. I hate them so much, they are so disgusting. Now I know there's some people that are gonna be like

" oh but it's a normal thing sofa "

No shit Sherlock, thanks for that. I personally think that periods are the most disgusting thing, like a bloody vagina are just *shivers* fucking gross

I watched a buzzfeed(aka cancer) video on period sex and just no. No. I won't let my boyfriend or girlfriend put anything in me while I bleed.

If you would then hey that's your shit idc.

Also periods fucking smell. They smell fucking HORRIFIC. Like fish with a undertone of a rotting corpse

And (this always happens to me) I go to the bathroom and stay there really long so i can just bleed to death in the toilet but nothing comes out but as soon as I change and pull up my pants it's like Niagara Falls just happened in my pants

Seriously every fucking time and i don't really get emotional when I'm on my period but that shit pisses me off so fucking much

Also when you wake up in the middle of the fucking night cuz you can feel that you clearly soaked through

Uhg just fucking shoot me.

And the cramps FUCKING CRAMPS.
I only get mine for two days but for those two days I feel like i am being constantly being stabbed in my lower back.

I'm trying to not make this as long but fuck it's just that I wish I was a boy sometimes.

They don't deal with this shit.

If I was a boy for a day I would jerk off all day no fucking joke. I always think
' if I was a guy I would be so gay.. But wait that means I could fuck girls, like literally be in them... But boys but the girls!1!!' So my conclusions is that I'm hella bi


Just no I hate periods. Why couldn't it be that you only bleed for a couple of minutes then that's it. Why the fuck does it have to be a week?!!

I know I'm fertile, vagaina thanks for telling me so kindly



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