Fight me

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Okay so a bunch of fucking people are getting extra triggered because of Frank's rising sun tattoo. I guess it's almost like the nazi flag to Chinese and Japanese people but let me tell you something. Get up reaaaal close, that's it a little closer.....


are you kidding me?!! Frank iero, the man that got out his tour buss to give his fans warm coffee and cereal because they were in line and it was basically Santa's asshole outside

Don't you think if he was racist he wouldn't have given some of the people anything??

I just can't with all this bullshit. I bet my fucking big toe Frank didn't know what the fuck it meant and I can already hear the triggered cunts

"The he should have educated himself!!!1!1!"

I bet-no- I know if any of you fucks wanted a tattoo you wouldn't research is it was racist or offensive to anybody. He is a grown ass man, you really think a bunch of 15-17 year old trigger sjw are gonna get to him?

"Oh shame on you mr.iero! Let me, a FUCKING SIXTEEN YEAR OLD TELL YOU WHAT YOU ARE"

Fuck you. Fuck off. I'm gonna use a lyric that I think fits most sjw

"Bitch you give a fucking aspirin a headache"- reincarnate MIW

If I was him I would tell all my fans like that to fuck off, but then they're gonna cry about

"Oooh boo hoo white straight cis man"

Then they make themselves look as the victims. The viscous cycle of the sjw.
They attack, they get a response they don't like then boom! They're the victims.

I honestly hope this doesn't reach Frank. I know he has shitty fans like the ones calling him racist and shit.

I think that's all I'm gonna say for now, I think I'm gonna have a fucking stroke if I keep going, peace.

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