Leathermøuth era

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So I think that I'm gonna be showing you guys leathermouth songs and telling you what I think the lyrics mean. For like three chapters. Okay let's go
Listen to the song above

My love note has gone flat


Yes my eyes are blood shot red and thoughts of murder dance in my head. Yes my eyes are burning red I guess I should have blown off my own head I am my own bomb I am my own slave I hate my life now and it's all because of you!

I wanna die,wanna die,wanna die,all right (4)

I hate myself (8)

Is anyone listening?! NO!

I wanna lay low but you want a funeral. You are the lie and I am the lair. I am a liar. You can all go fuck yourselves. All this poison that drips from my brain has given false hope it's such a shame!

I wanna die,wanna die,wanna die, all right(4)

I hate myself(8)

I'm done! This is my last call(2)

Oh god just take me away!

This song is fucking nuts! It's all raw emotion and are you guys picking up on the lines that are clearly aimed towards someone(Gerard)

Let's analyze some of this shit son!

"Yes my eyes are blood shot red and thought of murder dance in my head. Yes my eyes are burning red I guess I should have blown off my own head"

Ok well fuck when I first heard this I cried. My eyes literally watered and I cried on my bed like a smol child.
What happens to your eyes when you cry? That right they get red and puffy so Frank has been crying over something or someone. His eyes are bloodshot red and burning red. Then he says 'thoughts of murder dance in my head' now call my crazy but don't you think that it's a little weird that he says he's thinking of murder then in the other line he says he should have blown his own head off. He is trying to forget something and his mind won't let lit rest so he thinks death is the only way

"I am my own bomb I am my own slave I hate my life now and it's all because of you"

Pretty power stuff. Frank is a ticking time bomb he is ready to explode at any minute of any day. Something inside of him wants out but he forces himself to stay hidden and closed. He is his own slave. Someone must of hurt him pretty bad to make him hate his life. He even says he should have blown off his own head in the lines before so it makes me think, What in the actual fuck went down durning and after projekt revolution?! Everything happened during that tour. EVERYTHING. Leathermouth happened after PR

(I'll talk more about it later in this)

"I wanna die, I hate myself, is anyone listening?! NO!"

This just makes me so sad. He wants to die! He was depressed,hated that he was gaining weight and just wanted it all to end.

"is anyone listening?! NO!"
Here it sounds like he had been reaching for help but never got any. He was saying it in his songs I mean if you have ever listened to leathermouth you know those lyrics aren't from someone who was mentally stable at the time right? He repeatedly says in his song that he wants to die,he wants to kill, he hates himself and everything around him. Frank was not okay in leathermouth and I still to this day think he hasn't recovered. His recent Instagram posts are sad.

And now to the the real good part of the song

"I wanna lay low but you want a funeral. You are a lie and I am the lair. I am a lair!"

He wants out. He keeps saying that he is done. He's had enough. He just wants to stay calm and not have to deal this things but someone keeps bringing back his pain,his anger and if they keep it up Frank might just be pushed to his breaking point.

I think we all know that what Gerard says sometimes is bullshit right? You can see it. When they bring up frerard he denies it all to quickly. Everything. When they bring up MCR or if they are all good he blows it off. I mean and if they all ' ended on good terms' why is it that him and Frank don't talk? Good term my left ass cheek.
He is the lie. The lie Frank has been having to deal with. If frerard did happen im pretty sure Frank had to lie to jamia about everything. He is the lair. Jamia and Frank go way back. They are highschool sweethearts so I'm pretty fucking sure that they did not stop talking at any given moment when Frank was on tour with MCR. Right?! You see how you would feel guilty if you love two people and one is your 'best friend'

"All this poison that drips from my brain has given false hope it's such a shame!"

His head is everywhere. He is thinking of about all the shit him and Gerard did and how Gerard just stabbed him in the back by marring lyn-z out of nowhere. But he deep down believes that there is still a chance. A chance of it happening again. He is giving himself false hope that there is still a chance of him and Gerard surviving

"I'm done! This is my last call
Oh god just take me away"

He realizes that maybe after all this is the end. No more. There is no way that their 'relationship' is stronger than this. This is his last scream to Gerard. His last time telling him that he wants him. He is finally done.
But the pain and grief is still with him.

Now let me show y'all some pictures for the upcoming chapter all about
Projekt revolution and probably some other stuff about Frank but we'll also focus more on gee

Now let me show y'all some pictures for the upcoming chapter all about Projekt revolution and probably some other stuff about Frank but we'll also focus more on gee

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

The frerard fight of 2007 and may I add right before Gerard and lyn-z got married

The frerard fight of 2007 and may I add right before Gerard and lyn-z got married

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


I'll see you guys soon with a new rant and I love you all! Peace out my dudes🌊🌾

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