Chapter 2

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Ok so here is Chapter 2! Sorry for the grammer and other mistakes! No proof reading done.

Matt Meyer ------->           (i know it's Alex Pettyfer, but that's who i image him like)


I looked down where i heard the crack. My arm. I didn't feel anything. Everyone seemed to be looking at me. Somewhere else in my body was making more cracking nosies. Matt busted threw the door.

"Emma! John called! He's on is way!"

Who the hell was John? I quickly stood up and ran after him. Not caring about the stares and the teacher yelling.

"Matt what is happening?" I almost yelled

He didn't say anything. We ran threw the the halls. My body felt weird. We ran out the back doors and across the football feild and into the woods. We were deep into the woods.

"Take off your shirt" Matt demanded

"What no! Ow!"

He ripped the shirt off himself.


I groaned and threw them off. I was only in my bra and underwear in front of my brother. This is embarassing.

"I need you to relax"

"I can't" My body was shaking rapidly

"I need you to"

I took a deep shakey breath. He began to back up.

"Where are you going" As I said that all my bones seemed to shift.


I looked around. My senses have become more...clear? I could smell everything. I could hear the animals that must have been a mile away. I was on four paws? I looked down. I looked straight into Matt's eyes. What am I? I was begining to freak out. I grabbed my folded clothes that were on the ground and ran father into the woods. I ran away from this problem instead of facing it.

"EMMA!" Matt called

I heard his clothes shread and he was running after me. I feel like I could run for  miles! That's what I did.


After hours of running, i couldn't hear his paws hitting the ground anymore. I looked around. I was in a clearing with a lake in front of me. It was beautiful here. The sun was setting. How do I change back? Can I change back? Will I be like this forever? I could hear someone. I took off again. This time when I stopped it was dark. I could see everything though. This isn't suppose to happen. Why? Why me? I'm only suppose to exist in books and movies. I wanted my brother now. Why did I run? I sat down and put my clothes on the ground next to me. I looked at them. Is that why Matt always needed a new pair of clothes? Because he kept exploding into a whatever I am and shreading his clothes? It all made sense now.

What am I going to do? I could stay here until he finds me. Or run back.

*I'm staying my legs hurt* I thought to myself

*Emma! Where the hell are you?* Matt thought

What the hell? Who is in my mind? Why can I hear them?

*How come I can hear you?*

*Wolf thing. Listen you have to come back. Your not on our packs land. You have to get back here before they find you*

*I don't want to come back*

*Listen, we will all help you threw it. I had to go threw it when i was 16. I was scared to. You have to come back. Please*


I heard a branch snap. I know if I kept my mind open then Matt will be able to see what I see since it's in my mind.

*Get out of there NOW!* Matt yelled

I looked around but i didn't see anything but I could hear their breathing. I picked up my clothes to turn around and run. When I turned around I saw a huge brown wolf. Way bigger than me

*He's a beta Emma*


*The second in comand*

*Second to what?*


I gulped. He looked at me. I looked back. I wanted to back away and run. But I was suppose to go the way he was blocking.

*Don't run. He will kill you. Just stay still*

I didn't want to respond. Kill me? I wanted to run. I had no where to go. I heard someone else behind me. I snapped my head around three more wolfs stand. They were a little bigger than me. They were males. I heard bones snap. I looked away once i relized he was naked.

"Who are you?" He barked

I flinched away from his voice. I heard more bones snap

"Dude, don't scare her"


"Yeah. She is smaller than us"

I nodded in agreement. He chuckled.

"Who's pack are you from? Change back"

*Change back?* I thought

*He wants you to become human*

*I don't know how*

He sighed

"Well?" He snapped

I took a step back but forgot there was the beta behind me. He growled. I sat down.

"Do you not know how? Dude, maybe shes new"

I nodded. I liked the nice one.

"What pack are you from?" He asked again

I shrugged my shoulders. I looked at the trees not wanted to see them naked. The beta was behind me. There was two humans in front of me and a wolf on their left.

"She is getting us no where!" The middle on barked again

"Should we take her to Daniel? He can get her to change back and talk"

I growled.

"Whoa sweetie. Calm down"

*Don't show fear* Matt thought

I growled louder this time.

"ENOUGH!" Someone else barked. I noticed the third wolf in front of me has changed back.

"Just get her to Daniel"

The beta growled. He nudged me in the side. I growled. He growled louder.

*Do what he and the alpha tell you* He sighed

I started walked with the now four wolfs.

*I'm scared*

*If they lay a finger on you I will come after you. My packs says we have to wait*

We walked for what felt like hours. They all came to a stop. We were on the edge of the woods line. A huge house stood in front of us. I heard the snapping of bones. I looked around. The fours wolfs were now naked men.

"Who do we have here?" I husky voice asked


So, sorry it's short but I'm uploading later. Who's voice is that? hhmm? So tomorrow is my first volleyball game so I wont be able to upload after today for a couple of days:( I will probably upload at least 3 more chapters today at the most! I have nothing else to do today! So remember to...





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