Chapter 35

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Ok here is chapter 35! :) Enjoy!

Read away...

--CHAPTER 35--


I put my head on Keegan's shoulder as he continued to run. I noticed he kept glancing down at his mate in his arms. I smiled. They were the perfect couple. Now all we need is for Niko and Liam to find their mates then after a couple years Clayton and Coal. I could smell the blood trails from the wounded. We were getting closer to the hospital. Emily started to stir in Keegan's arms. A smile broke out on his face and we slowed down as we neared the hospital. We were at the parking lot when Keegan started panicking.

"Emily stopped breathing..." He trailed off. He ran into the hospital leaving me in the parking lot alone. I ran behind him. I walked threw the double doors and a nurse was holding him back as they took Emily away. Was this what it was like for Daniel when it happened to me? I wondered. I felt a little pain in my back but I ignored it and walked up to the front desk.

"May I help you?" A lady asked

"I would like to see Daniel Williams"

"Right down the hall and room 412"

"Thank you" I smiled. As I walked down the hall. My feet were suddenly wet. I looked down, my water just broke.

Luckily a nurse was walking by and stopped. She ran down the hall and grabbed a wheel chair. She set me into in and wheeled me into the labor room.

(Not good with birth sense, sorry)

"When I say push, you push ok?" The doctor said. I nodded. "PUSH" He yelled. I did and after an hour. FInally, the baby was out. I relaxed and watched them take him away. Yes him. I still have no idea what to name him. I wish Daniel was here so he could help me. But I was recently told that he was in coma.

They came back and put the baby in my arms. A tear ran down my face as I looked at him. He looked so much like Daniel. I have already decided on a name, Austin Jay Williams. I smiled at the little baby in my hands.

The doctor gave me my clothes in the morning and let me go. It has been two days since I gave birth. Daniel was still in coma. We walked out of the room and to room 412. As I walked down the hallway I smiled at the doctors and nurses. I rounded a corner and saw the room number on the wall. I opened his door and looked inside. His mom and dad were sitting on the love seat talking. They looked up when I walked in.I stepped in and showed them their grandson. A smile broke out on both their faces. I walked over to them and put the baby in their awaiting arms.

"He's so handsome" Anna said. I smiled and looked over at Daniel. I walked up and put my hand on his face.

"Was it a silver bullet?" I asked quietly. I quickly whipped away the tear that fell down my face.

"Yes" Ethan replied. I sighed and sat next to his arm. I gentally hugged him.

"Please wake up" I whispered. I kissed his forehead and walked back over to my baby. I sat in the seat next to them. Ethan was now holding him. I listened to Daniel's heart beat. It started to change.

"Beep, beep, beep...beeeeeeeep" The line was going straight. The pack doctor heard the beep and was now in the room. The nurses rushed us out of the room. Tears were streaming down my face.

"Please don't take him" I begged. "Please" I whispered. That feeling that no mate ever wants to feel hit me. The emptiness, the broken heart, lost soul. All came to me. I ran out of the hospital so fast it wasn't possible.

I never thought I would end up here. I thought to myself. I looked at the view. The sun was setting, I looked over the high cliff. I stepped closer, closer,closer. My toes were hanging off the edge. Nothing was on my mind but Daniel. He was dead. I can't live without him. I listened to the rocks crumble under my weight and fall into the water.

I wish I could go with those rocks. I took a step and my heel was almost off. What about our baby? My wolf whinned. My baby, I thought. I took a step back. Daniel, I thought. I took a step fowards. I took another step with my other foot. I bent my knees ready to jump. My wolf whinned. I shook her out of my thoughts.

"Emma stop!" Someone yelled. To careless to listen to the voice. I ignored it and took a deep breath. Arms snaked around my waist and pulled me away. The shocks, the feeling was full again. I looked behind me at who grabbed me. His face held worry and shock.

"Daniel" I whispered. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him so tight. I pulled away and crashed my lips to his. Tears formed in my eyes. I let them fall. I pulled away and sobbed into his chest as he made me feel secure.

"Shh, I'm here angel" He cooed.

"Daniel, I thought I lost you" I whispered. He kissed me again and kissed away my tears.

"I can't give up on you that easily" He joked. I smiled and we stood up. More tears fell down my face as he whipped them away. He held me into a hug for what seemed like forever. I opened my eyes and it was completely black.

"We should get back" Daniel whispered. I slowly nodded and we walked back to the hospital.

"My baby" I whispered.

"Our baby" He corrected. I smiled.

"family" I whispered again. He picked me up and spun me around.

"Together" He whispered.

"Forever" I replied. We walked threw the hospital doors and I ran and took my baby from Keegan's arms. I hugged him close to me. Daniel came and wrapped his arms around both of us. I burried my face in his chest.

This is my life, my family, my story.


How did you like it? I'm making an epilouge(Sp?) Soon so that will be out. Then it's the end :( DOnt be sad thought! Check out my other book once I get it going ' Found by the alpha' Remember to...






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