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That night  i was watching the  news  about  some  girl  being abducted ,i had  ordered some  pizza  and wings  , i  had got  a  call from a 407 number  but  i didn't recognized it  so i didn't  pick up about 20 minutes  later the  number called again so  i  picked  up

"  daaaaaady   " i heard serenity call out  too me  over the  phone

"  baby girl  where are you  ?" i  asked  her  scratching  my  head 

"  daddy  i  don't  know but i  know  its  dark daddy  im  scared "  she told  me 

"  baby listen tell  me what you  see  or  at least  try too see  " i   told  her 

"  i see a man he sitting on the  couch with  a gun " she said 

"  serenity  did you  see who snatched you ?" i  asked  her 

"  these  guys  in a black BMW i was walking home from  school and they  grabbed me     "  she told  me

" why  didn't  uncle  Monty come  get  you  ?" i asked  her  

"  he  told  me too  ride  the bus and that  Kennedy  would  be  at the  bus stop  but  she wasn't there  " she told  me 

"  listen  i am coming too  get  you   okay just  stay  calm and quiet and  dont speak too  none  of  them " i told  her

we  departed  calls and  i  called  Monty  despite our  differences  my  loyalty was  still  with my  best friend  now  is  the  time  i break the  news  too my  family  ,  i called  Monty  over and  told  him too  bring the  kids  and  Alexis  this was the hardest  part  i  told  him too  blind  fold  Alexis   so she wouldn't  know why  she was coming here  about a hour later  they pulled  up i  unlocked the door  and  sat on the couch as Monty  walked the others  in  with  blind folds  he  looked  at  me and  i  nodded for  him too  take the blind  fold  off  of  them .Alexis  was shocked  and so was  the  kids Aiden was asleep and Jayden stood there  with this  look in his  eyes that described him being  hurt .

"  you  lied  too  us " he said as he stood in t he front  of me 

" I  know  and  im  sorry will  make up  for  it  " I  told him

"  you missed  most of my  birthdays and Aiden when he was  born you cant  make up  for that "  he  said

"  your right  I cant but  I will  try too  " I  told him 

he ran  off crying  I wanted  too chase  him but  Monty  wouldn't  let me  he  nodded  in Alexis  direction who  was  sitting there  crying I  shook my  head and  sat next  too her , I  pulled  over  into a  hug  but  she snatched away  from me 

"  how could  you ?  how could you  lie too me  or too  them ?"  she  asked me 

"  I  told you   I am  sorry I  just  needed this too  be  over  I didn't  need  them too come  after  y'all  so  I faked  my  death too keep  y'all  safe " I  said

"  who all  know about this ?"  she asked me 

"  just  serenity and Monty  "  I told  her 

"  well  that  explains  why  she  comes  here  maybe  she  new  you was  here  "  she  said

" maybe  I don't  know  when she came  and was  beating on the door  screaming  my name  I new  I  had  too  come  into the  light "  I  told  her 

moments later Jayden came  back out with Monty looks  like  little  man had a  pep talk  and is  okay

"daddy  despite the fact that I was angry with you for all of this , i am glad you're okay but we have too look at the big picture and find my big sister " he told me

"your right and  I promise I want leave you or them again unless I die for real "I told Alexis

" and Monty  i am sorry about earlier but don't ever think for a second that I just been sitting in here not writing songs cause I have "I told him

we did our dap and hand shake and  I hugged  him I  told  him  my  loyalty was  still with my  team , my  label  and my family  and  I  mean it 

" yeah   I am  sorry  I  should  have went  and  picked baby  girl up  from the bus stop  like  I always do but  I  got so  caught  up  that I  let  it  slip  and  Kennedy  too  go  get her  "  I  said

"  it 's  okay but  listen she did  give  me  detail  about what she saw "  I  said

"  what  all  did  she say  ?" asked Monty

" she said she was walking from the  bus stop  and a  black  BMW  a car full of guys snatched  her and  brought her  too  this  building  "   I  said

"  wait  a minute that's the  same car that followed  me  too the  gas station and  they  opened my  gas tank  and my  car  door  but didn't take anything "  said Alexis

"  anything else  you  can tell us  ?"  I asked

"  this unknown number  called and  it was a  female voice  it sounded like  Nikki  she said  "  IM BACK BITCH  AND IM  COMING FOR YOU  AND THOSE KIDS  "  said Alexis 

" fuck  ,  Monty take me too  my  other spot  Alexis take the  kids  back too  Monty  place with Kennedy  and stay  there call the police and  tell  them our  child has been kidnapped   don't  open the  door for  nobody  I  am going too  call  Alex  and Marcus too  meet  me there "  I  told them 

we  departed ways and  went in different directions   this was  not about too  shit  here and not think  about my  daughter  and that  bitch Nikki  she gone  pay  for fucking with my  kids she a  unfit mom that's why  I got custody  of them  now stupid fuck


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