its been three days

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the next day i was woken by the warden himself i heard on the streets and being in these walls that dean was a ass whole i was told he get away with a lot of stuff like raping girls and getting them pregnant and then saying they was pregnant already but he want get me i got up and stood outside my cell so the can do cell check i walked too the shower and got in .

" you got a visitor here and your visitation not until 3 " said the warden

" why the hell do i have too keep getting woke up out my sleep by y'all and bathing in the front of y'all " i asked

" you do as we say or don't bath at all i can take your visitation from you and make you sit in the whole " said the warden

" do as you please play boy i just wanna be released from this bitch and the day i do is the day i spit in your face " i said walking past him

i got dressed in my orange jump suit and headed too visitation too see Alexis and hopefully she brought one of my brothers with her ,i got there and she was empty and looks like she had been crying for days she had on some black sun glasses and some ripped jeans with a trap girl shirt on i took my seat in front of her as officer Aj left us too talk

" wassup why you came so early my visitation for you wasn't until 3 " i said as she removed the shades and i seen she had no sleep and had been crying

" how you been you look like you holding on okay " she said too me

" Alexis whats the reason you here and where is my dad he normally come here with you and you nor my dad brought Aiden Jayden or Nalasia here too see me " i told her

"jayden and Nalasia been at my parents house me and your dad got into a fight and we split up and your dad split the visitation like this " she told me

" A fight ? A fight about what ?" i asked

" long story " said Alexis

" shit i got time so let me hear it " i told her

" your dad and Monty was suppose too take the kids too a water theme park but they didn't they let Kennedy and her boyfriend take them and Jamal Kennedy boyfriend he took them on a big kids ride and when he slide down in stead of him holding their hands that way they make it down together he turned around Aiden was faced down in the water we took him too the hospital and they looked past the coke that was in his lungs cause they thought it was water but it wasn't and he died " she said crying

" what the hell does my dad know , how long has it been since Aiden died and you didn't tell him ? " i asked

" its been three days and no i haven't told him yet and please don't tell him i wanna be the one too i just have too figure out how " she said

" nah you straight you done did enough damage i will tell him don't ever show up too visitation without my sibling ,better yet send my dad with them i dont wanna see you " i said getting up

i heard Alexis calling my name telling me too come back but i wasn't hearing her its been three days and my dad don't know that his son dead nah he gone know today when he come too visitation my dad deserve every right too know about his son and ima tell him ,i got back too my cell and begin writing my sister Nalasia a letter that said :

Dear Nalasia,

wassup ? i miss you man shit so fucked up i know you know about Aiden being dead but when i come home shit gone change i am change i am coming home too you and daddy and we gone leave here for good i want daddy too get back into the label too make his fans happy and i think i wanna start writing my own book too when i get out but listen tell Uncle Alex and uncle Marcus he can come see me too but listen man y'all take care i love y'all pray for me man i promise i will be home .just write me back tell uncle too help you write me back i just need somebody to come see me i need too talk too them asap and no don't send Alexis .

i ended my letter and closed it i stamped the letter and i gave it too the mail man who was coming down the hall with the mail cart Jazmine woke up and looked down at me i smirked a little bit as she did the same it was yard time and god knows i hate that place its hot and sticky but Jazmine was my yard buddy so we had free time too talk with out the guards telling me to be quiet .we got into the yard and i picked up the shovel and i started digging then Jazmine came over too me

" so have you thought about telling ?' she asked

" yeah and i think i am going too this isn't the place i rather be in life " i told her

" they not going too release you too your dad they going too release you too your mom " said Jazmine

" not if i tell she sold me the drugs and threatened me she is the reason this happened too me " i said

" baby girl listen i love you too death but i think you need too tell now you been in here two going on three months you graduate next month and your birthday is next month " she told me

" i know i just don't wanna loose my life behind bullshit you know " i told her

i was quiet for a moment cause i thought about what Jazmine was telling me about being free but if it means me loosing my life and telling then fuck it i got too i cant spend another day in this bitch .i dropped my shovel and walked over too Aj

" whats up ?" he asked

" im ready too tell get me that appointment with the judge and not " i told him

" you got it " he said smiling

he nodded for me too follow him Too The Door And I Did As Told He Told Me Too Wait in The Hall Where The Wardent Office Was He Told The Wardent Too Make Another Court Hearing ASAP, After 2Hours Of Waiting It Was Time ,I Got Too The Court And She Was Waiting on Me Outside, Aj Let Me Out And Stood there with me I Smiled A little I looked back and the warden Was Gone

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