Back at the house

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we  got  back  too my  house  after checking  out the  spot  i  showed  Kennedy  where  she would  be sleeping  in the  guess  house  i  kicked  off my  shoes and  got  in bed with Chris he was  watching  a  basket  ball game  as  usual he  didn't  care  what  basket  ball  team was  playing  i  took  the  remote too  cut  the  TV  down only  for  him too  snap  and  ask  why  i  did  that  

"  listen  i  got  Monty  daughter  Kennedy  here  " i  told  him 

" why  ?"  asked  Chris  

"  she wanted too  switch too  our side  some  shit  must  have  happened  that  she  came too  us  "  i  told  him  

"  so why  is  she  here  though ? we  already  in  deep with them Niggas "  said  Chris  p

"Chris baby  so what  we  running  shit  right now " i told  him 

 " Nikki  is  you  crazy ? what  we doing  is  wrong  okay  you  want him back that  bad  you  do  that  your  self  i love  you boo  i  do but  you  giving  false  information  too  cops and  paying them  too  keep a  innocent  teenage  girl  locked  up  for  her  life  "  said  Chris  

" Now  you  on their  side  ?  you  was  just  the one  who  wanted  all  of this  and  now  you  against  it  whats up  ?"  i  asked  

" you  right  i was  wrong  okay  i did but  we  getting  innocent  kids  locked  up  and  involved  in  shit that has  nothing too  do  with them "  said  Chris  

" are  you  kidding me  right now  ?  the world  is  ours  right  now  they  is worthless with out  their kids "  i  said  

" no  you  is  worthless  and  you  evil  like  i told  you  before i love  you  to death but  i  will  not  help  you  any  more   i am out  "  said  Chris  getting up  

After Chris walked  out and  Left i layed in bed  i took the piece  of foil with  the crack on it and  sniffed  it a  little bit  i was  feeling  better  a little bit so  i got  up  and walked  in Kennedy room  and told her too  get  dressed  in something  new  i  bought  her i  was taking  her  on a  corner ,at first  she refused too  go then  i  punched  her  and  begged  and  pleaded  fir me  too  not swing on her anymore  and she  would do  whatever  i wanted  . i walked  out and let  her  get dressed  while  i go put  on my  shoes    grab my  phone   and  keys  .i  walked  out  and  she  had  on some  jeans  and a  Polo  T-shirt  with her  White vans  i didn't  care  but  her wardrobe  was going too  change soon i  took  her too the  old  corner of where  Jamal  use too  be  and  i left  i  went  too  check  on Lucas  and  the  others  back at the  trap house  too count  up  the  money .i  got  out and  let  a youngin park  my  car  i walked  in and found  Markese  with his X Toya she  looked  a  little  plump  i  was  Looking  for  Lucas  but  he was  gone  .

"  where is the  Money " i asked  

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