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Nikki  P.O.V 

 I    got a  call  from  the detectives  saying   that  Serenity  got arrested  and they  was  holding her  for investigation   ,she had more than a  gram  on her meaning she didn't  sell  much  , i got too the station  and seen her in with  a cop  and they  was sitting down talking . i was just  praying  she didn't give off any  names  of who  gave  her the dope .  the cop  came  out the room and walked  in my  direction 

"  hi i am detective Larry  and this  is  my  partner   Zach   we on the case for your daughter "  he said 

" i  am her mother  Nikki  "  i  told them  

"  well Ms  Nikki  we  is  holding her  with out bail  because she was caught  with  the drugs in school on  school property "  he  told me 

"  okay  well is there  anyway  i can talk too her ?"  i  asked  acting concerned which i really  didn't give a damn 

" yeah  right thru  that  door "  he told  me  

i  walked  in the  door and closed it  and took  a seat  at the end  of the  table  across from  her   for a second we looked at  each other and  i  started laughing 

"  you  is a dumb little girl  ,  look  what  you  done got  yourself into  baby  girl  you locked  up  with  out a bail "  i  said laughing historically 

"  you did this  too  me  you  set me  up  little  dumb  bitch  i  hate you  "  said serenity  

 "  daddy  cant save you now  can he ?" i  asked being sarcastic 

  "  wait til  i  can  make call  i  will  call my  dad and tell  him  what  you  did "  she said 

"  i  don't  care what you  do just know if you  give  off any names  you  is a dead girl  "  i  told  her getting  up 

  i walked  out  of the  station and went  home  to  my  oldest  girl   Monica  she was with me some days and with her daddy  the rest  of the day Monica  is the one  who  snitched on Serenity  about the drugs her  own  sister told on her  #TRAGIC    i  walked   in the house and seen mad max sitting  at  the table watching Monica  cooking  mac and cheese  with  mashed potatoes and  steak  with muffins  

"  hey  ma i  did good right ?"  she asked  

"  yeah  and how  is that  father is yours ?" i  asked  

" he  is  good  he want  me  too  be back home Monday  cause  he going on a business trip    "  she told  me  

"  okay  well  i put more money  in your  bank  for  the mission  you  did today "  i told her  

"  okay  cause  i  wanna go  get  my nails done  and  i  wanna  go  shopping "  she told me 

"  yeah tomorrow after school  "  i said 

i walked up  stairs too  take a shower and  get  ready  for dinner  which  by  the way i hope was good , after dinner i  went  too  bed because i  had too  go check on my  trap  house and see what  was going  on there i   told cash  he was not going too  be  in  control for  long he either  give  me  back my kids  or they  going to  suffer his consequences the  ball is  in his  court  right now  he  cant  do  too much except get calls  from  her  and  try too get  her  out  but she don't  have a  bail  and i doubt  if she gone  tell    she  know her  life  is  on  the  line .  

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