The Morning

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I was woken up  by my  headache  I  looked  at  the clock for  it too  be 6 O'clock  I  got up and  walked  out of  my  room  too  go  too  the bathroom   I looked in the  mirror     I  had a  black  eye which was now purple and A bloody lip  , they  can  kiss my  ass im not  going too  school looking like this   I got back  in bed them  the body  guard the deebo looking ass  nigga  woke  me  up  with cold water  wtf ,

"  what  the  hell ?" I  said


"  boss lady  said get  up  time for school  " he told  me 


"  man you  and her got  me  two word fucked up  like do you  not see  my face "  I  said getting  back  under the covers



" you  got work  too do  okay  get  up and leave " he said reminding me about the kelo's


 I  slowly got up  before they  beat  me too death  about some drugs I   put  on my  clothes then walked too  the  bus stop  perfect timing too get  on the  bus .  I sat in  the seat with my  friend Toya  this boy  I  liked  also rides my  bus his  name  is Markese we spoke from time too time but this morning  he  looked at  me differently and nodded  for me  too  sit with him I told  Toya too  hold  my stuff  , I  walked  over too  sit in his seat Markese  is a dope boy   but crazy  thing is he  never  been too  jail


"  what  happened to you  face ?"  he asked


" long story  I  cant speak  about it "  I  told  him turning my  face  he  turned it back  in his direction 


"  you  can tell  me anything , I never told  you  this  but  I really  like you  serenity  "  he told  me


"  I  liked  you  too just  never said anything " I told  him 


"  is  it safe too  say  you  my  girlfriend ?"  he asked 


" yeah  , is  it safe too  say you  my  boyfriend ?" I  asked


" yeah now  trust  me  I want speak on it  just  tell me what  happened please "  he asked me 


I  took a  deep breath and a tear  fell because  I new I wasn't suppose too  speak  on it but now  he  is  my boyfriend  

" my daddy  is  fetty wap and  him and  my  mom got into it  and she found  me had me kidnapped and  now im being held hostage at her house "  I  told him


" wait  the  one eye guy  fetty  wap  is  your daddy  ?" he  asked me



"  yeah   ."  I stated


"  yo  your dad is a legend  I wish I could  have met  him before  he died "  he said


" that's where you  wrong at  my  dad isn't dead he faked  it  "  I  told him


" wait so he still  alive ?"  he asked


"  yes  if  I let you  hear  his  voice will  you promise not too say anything  ?"  I asked him


" y-  yeah "  he said


I  took out my  spare  phone and dialed my dad number    he  picked  up  with the sleepy voice  he suppose too  be coming too get  me not sleeping 


"  daddy  ?" I  said lowly so nobody could hear  me


"  yes serenity, baby whats wrong with  you ?  where are you  ?  "  he  asked


" nothing  im on my way too  school  she told me  if  I don't sale the coke that's my  life  " I  said



"  baby  listen ima  be  in the  parking lot after school  make sure they don't  follow you when we get off the phone  break  it "  he  told  me 


 " okay "  I  said hanging  up 

me  and my  daddy  talked  in codes  in case the  phone was tapped and they  wired    or  in case they  put a chip in it   I  looked  over  at  Markese who was  in shock with his hands around  his face


"  do you  believe me now ?" I  asked him


"  hell yeah  , you  daddy is a  MVP  he is the only  nigga  I know that get  away with this shit cause  its illegal "  he told  me 

"  that's why  he lowkey  slow ass "  I told him 

" you  got a slick ass mouth  too be a  female  bro  " he told  me

" listen I need  you  help meet  me  in the science  lab the  one  nobody uses meet  me there  after lunch "  I told  him

he nodded in assurance  I told Toya too move too  the front of the bus she sorta  heard most of  it and  I told  her too meet  me there after lunch  too , we didn't  get  off the bus til 7:06   it was only 7:00  so for about 6  minutes  I went  too  sleep on Markese  shoulder as  he went too  sleep on the  window   I was thinking about letting him meet my dad today  after school ,  I woke  up  and hopped  off the bus u put  my  phone  under the bus and  let the busses  run it over   I walked  off  with my  new  boyfriend and my  best friend 

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