This Can't Be True !

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the  following morning  i woke  up  too the  machine going  off  i  pressed the  monitor  for  the nurse too  come  in  and  help  they  came in  and  told  me  that i had  too leave the room i  had  no idea  what  was happening in  there  this would be  a good  time for  somebody  too comfort me  

" Mommy  " i heard a voice call  out  too me 

i  looked up  too  see  jayden  and  Nalasia  running my way with Alex  right behind them i  hugged them followed by  hugging Alex   

"  how have you  guys  been at  grandma  house ?'  i  asked 

"  we been good "  they  said 

" okay  here listen  Nalasia  take Jayden  and you too  the  cafeteria  and  let  me  talk  too  uncle  Alex  "  i  told them giving them the money 

"  baby  girl how you  holding  up  ?" asked Alex  

"  Alex  i can't loose my  son  it would hurt the  family too  bad  i  prayed and prayed "  i told  him  

"  Alexis  you  and  i both  know that us  praying can  change a lot but not  much " said Alex 

" Alex this  is my  boy we talking about my baby only  got  too live  3 years of his  life and me  and  cash got into  it cause i snapped  on his  mom  and i  just  don't know any more  "  i  told him  crying  on his  shoulder

" Alexis  if god call him  home then its his  time  and  if not then he okay  "  said  Alex  

i  nodded  my  head too  what  he was  telling me  about 30 minutes later the  doctors  and  nurses  came  out the room  two    of them  stayed and  three  of them left 

"  doctor whats  the  problem  is  my  baby okay  ?"  i asked  with  sweaty  hands 

"  im  sorry Ms Alexis  but your  son is  deceased" said the doctor 

"  Noooooo   Noooo  my baby  cant be dead please  tell  me this is a joke "  i  said 

"  it  appears  that  while   we was  doing a  lot of scans  and  drug  test  we missed the  fact that  your son had coke  clogged in his  lungs which  we  thought was  water "  said the female Nurse  

" please  tell  me you  lien my  nephew cant be dead he  is  only three  "  said  Alexis  

  "  i  am dearly  sorry for your lost " said  the  doctor leaving  

"  who  did this too  my nephew ?"  asked  Alex

" it was Kennedy  and that  boyfriend  of  her's  Monty was  suppose too take them too a theme  park but  Kennedy  took  them  and she  let her boyfriend  take my  son  on  a big  kid ride  and  he  got  jayden and Nalasia first  and when he turned around Aiden was  faced down in  the water"  i said crying 

"  he  gone pay   for what he did  "said Alex  leaving 

how  am  i suppose too tell cash that  our  3  year  old  is dead ?  he want  take that  so  lightly and  neither will the  others i  had asked the  doctors  can i see  my  son one  more  time  before  i  leave ,they let me  in and  i looked  at  my son  pail  lifeless  body  i  wanted  too ask  so bad  why  him but  i  just  couldn't get  the words  out  i packed  my  clothes and his  clothes and left  cause  i  new  if  i stayed any longer  my   body  would  give out  . i put my  phone  on airplane  mode and went  home i had  a  family  photo  of me cash  and the kids   in  the car  and i kept rubbing  Aiden face  his car seat  and everything was still  here the  only thing that  was  missing was him  i know the kids not  gone  take  it well  once Alex  tell them  and  i would  have too tell  it too serenity  and  cash   i wanted too  call  him  but  i new  he wouldn't  pick up  because  he  just  that  stubborn  . i pulled  up  in the  garage and got out i unlocked the door  and  walked upstairs my first  stop  in this  house was  Aiden  room i new this was  going too be hard  on me . when  i woke up it was late and  dark  i  got  up  out of bed and walked  down stairs too get my phone  i took it  off airplane mode and it went to  ringing off the hook i had 19 text messages  7  was  from Ariel two was from my brother  Marcus and  11 was from  Alex  none  from cash  . i  got  a  knock on the door and  it was  from Ariel i new somebody was  coming  i just  didnt  know who  .

"  wassup  ?"  i  asked in a cool tone 

"  girl  what is  going on you  aint picking up the  phone and everybody  going crazy  looking for you  " said  Ariel  

"  he is  gone My baby  boy is  dead they  found  coke in his lungs  "  i  told her 

"  OMG   i  know  cash  and the  other's  is  going crazy "  said Ariel 

"nobody  knows  Except you  Alex  and me "  i  told her  

" Alexis you can't  hide this  from cash "  she told me  

"  don't you  think i know that  i have too tell  serenity  also " i  said pouring me a  shot 

"  excuse me but im just  trying too help  " said  Ariel  

"  Ariel help me  how  ? huh i  just  lost  my  son and  possiblely lost my  boyfriend  " i  said  

"  listen don't spazz  on me  because of your fucked  up  life  lets not  forget  who  was  there  when  cash wasn't around  "  said Ariel  

" i  didn't need you  then and i damn sure don't need you Now  so leave  " i told  her  

"  fine  maybe  i will  "  she  said  walking out the door 

the  last  thing  i needed  was to be around people who think that  i need them like bitch the door is  right there so just  put that bitch too use i got my  bottle  of  Apple Ciroc  and  my  ice cream and chips and  went up  stairs  and  i put my  phone  on airplane  mode again i was  fina  get  drunk tonight  on the count  of my  boyfriend  and  my son R.I.P Aiden mommy  miss  you  .

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