Busted !

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i  walked in school and went  thru the  medal detector  it didn't go  off  good  thing  it  was broke , i walked  too my  locker  too  get  my books  for  class  and  put the  back  pack away  . i  had  English first  period, i  walked  in too  take  my  seat next too  the  chick who  don't  like  me  Monica  tall redskin popular  girl  ,she ran for everything  possible  vice president  president  and treasure  but they  made  her  ass  vice  president  she even ran  for  homecoming  queen and prom queen ,her boyfriend was the head football player four our  school  Kayden better known as  super  jock  every  girl in  school  dreamed too  be with this  nigga  except me  ,  too much of  a hoe  but she  too  blind too  see that  shit  .i  opened  my  English  note book and  started taking notes  .

" i  wasn't  done taking notes   can  i see yours  "  asked Monica with her  smirk 

" nope  should've wrote faster  "i told her

" you have  a  real  problem "  she told me

" you  better  leave  me alone " i  told  her 

"  don't  worry you  will get  whats  coming too  you  "  she said

" oh  yeah  whats  that ?" i asked

" for  me  too know  and  you  too find  out "  she said getting up

  i finished taking notes  and then  started my  work  the  bell  rung  for  lunch and  i  grabbed  my  books  too  get  my  back pack  and  meet  Markese and  Toya  too  the lab  they  have  no  idea  why  they meeting me though  i  walked  into  the  lab and they was already  in there  .

"  listen  you  a  dope  boy  right ?" i  asked  Markese

"yeah why  ?" he  asked with  a  curious face

" listen i need you  too help  me break this  up  and  put them into bags " i  said  opening  my  book  bag too  reveal the  coke

"  how  you  know what i  been doing ?"  he asked  looking  curious  

"  a  kid  like  you  don't  have a  9- 5  and  plus  i seen you  on the  street  and your dad  is with the cartel  "  i  told him  

" you right  my  dad  is apart  of the  Jamaican cartel   and   i am  not the  average  kid  i am  forced  too   do this   "he  told  me  

" we  in the  same   boat  i am forced too  do this and if i don't   its  my  life  so  are you  going too help  me  or  not  ?" i  asked  looking evil  

" take  it  out  the  bag  "  he  told  me  

i did  as  i was told and  looked  at Toya  who  had a surprised  look on her  face i watched as  Markese broke  it down  the  lunch  bell  ringed  we skipped  our last  period  too  finish breaking  it down .after  breaking  it  down i called  my  dad to  see where  he  was  ,he  was sitting  in the  parking  lot  of  the  school he  told  me he  didn't  have  any one  with him or he  didn't see  anything  suspiscious  i told  him too walk in and sign  me  and  Toya  out  and  tell  them that  Markese  was my  brother . i  stayed  inside  the  lab untill  they called  for  us  but  sad thing  is  my  mother was  in the front  office waiting  DAMN  !

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