back at Malik house

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i  arrived at  Malik house and Rocko took  my  bag too  the  back room  Malik  house was like a  mansion last  time  i seen my brother  he had his own apartment  and  it was  a mess  but i guess dope money  get  you  a long way .  some brown skin chick  was  in the  kitchen cooking  in her  underwear and bra which was hella disturbing  i just  went  up  too  my room  i  called  Arriel  too give  her  the news about my babies Ariel  was close too  them  she was  my  kids godmother   she  was  going too  be torn when i tell  her  the news

" Ariel  i have  bad news " i said with a  sorrow  voice

" whats  up why  you  sound  so  sad  ?" she  asked 

" My  kids  is gone  cash  baby  Mama Nikki  took  them from the daycare "  i  told her  as  a  tear  fell 

" what the  hell  for the  kids  didn't  have anything too  do  with  them " she said

" i  know  i told cash  and he  told me  not  too  do  a  missing person  report  and  he wanna  go  too  the press  about  it and  let  them know  he  is  alive " i  told them

"  this  just  cant  get  any  worse  ,  i  want  in  and im  coming over  where  are you  ?"  she asked me 

"  im  at  my  brother house for the  night he  want  me  too  stay  here "  i  told her 

"  make  room cause  im  coming  in  and  you  going too have too  tell  your  brother  that  his  other guest  room is  mines "  she told me  laughing 

"  girl you  crazy  i  will be  here  " i  told her  ending my call 

i  ended  my  call and put  my  phone  on the charger  i got  my clothes  too  take a  shower  and  lay  down  too  wait  on Ariel  . Rocko  came  in the  room too  check up  on me   he  brought me some cookies  and  milk like  i was  three  i really  wasn't  hungry  i just  wanted  my  babies 

" Miayah  please  eat  you  gotta  eat  its  12:00  at  night  and  you  didnt  eat  since you  been here  "  he said

"  im not  hungry  i  just  want  my  babies   and  Ariel  is coming over  too keep  me  company " i told Rocko

"  that's fine  i  just  want  you  too  be okay " said rocko  

"  i  will be fine  rocko just  leave me  be  i will  eat  i  just  want  my   kids

 after promising rocko  i  would  eat  i fell  asleep  watching first  48  with  my  kids  picture  next  too me  i could hear  them  calling  me  in my  sleep  lord why  i   just  want  my  kids  back  they  didn't  mean  any  harm  lord   .  i woke  in cold sweats  and  crying  and screaming  i new  i my  kids was  being harmed .

"  stop  screaming you  been screaming for the  longest  "  said  Ariel

"  Ariel  i just  want  my  kids  you  don't  know  what it  feels  like too know that  feeling that you  may  not  get  your  kids  back  "  i said 

" just  calm  down don't worry  cash is going too make  sure they  be  okay  and  they coming  home  just  think  positive " said Ariel

i  nodded  my  head and said a quick prayer  all  i wanted was for  my  kids too  be  okay  i  was  going too  call my  lawyer tomorrow morning and  let him  know what  was the problem  i just  want  my babies  too  come  home safe and  some body  get that  bitch Nikki 

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