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"Have you ever killed someone, Sage?" Petra asked, taking a bite out of her crimson apple.
"N-no. Why? Am I supposed to?" I asked. The four of my new friends giggled at my response, not even trying to hold back from making me feel bad.
"Well, at this point, all of us have. You could ask anyone in this room, and they'll tell you how they accidentally ripped someone's head off. That's how all of us end up here. We end up revealing our powers to the public, and demons that hide amongst ordinary people send us here." Carter explained.
"But how do demons know that we are supposed to be here?" I asked, puzzled.
"Well, there is one thing that all sub-demons have in common: we are all marked." Zora answered. They all reveal the plus signs engraved into their necks, and smiled. I put my hand on my neck, feeling the outline of the plus sign.
"So welcome to hell, Sage. We hope you get used to torturing people, and toying with their souls." Carter told me in a serious tone, smiling.

Marked [postponed]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя