Chapter Fourteen

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"Yes! I love dodgeball!" Petra cheered, as all of the students lined up in a line.
"Who are the captains?" Matt asked.
"How about Petra and the new kid?" A student giggled. A few of them scoffed at me, and nodded.
"Alright. Get ready to lose, Sage."

Petra and I walked away, and faced the line of students. I then realized Elliot was in our gym class, and I frowned.
"Alright, the newbie chooses first." Petra looked at me. I looked at all of the students. Some of them were three times my size, others were the size of a soccer ball. I looked at Matt. I knew Matt would be good at this game, seeing as though he was the best in archery.
"Matt, get over here." I smiled. He smiled back, and walked behind me.
"Pick Austin next." Matt whispered to me. I nodded, not knowing who he was, but trusting Matt.

"Zora." Petra smiled at Zora, making Zora skip to Petra's side.
"Austin?" I said as a question. I almost groaned too loud, for Austin was a demon that was the size of a gallon of milk.
"Taylor." Matt whispered to me once again.
"Brett." Petra demanded.
"Taylor." I called out. The guy that appeared to me some sort of troll shook the ground as he stomped over to our team.
"Alright dude. You're going to hate me for this, but pick Elliot." Matt muttered to me. My eye widened, giving him a surprised look.
"Not only will it get him off your back for a day, but he's also amazing at dodgeball."
"Fine." I murmured.
"Elliot." I demanded. He rolled his eyes at me, looking at Petra for a moment, then stomping over to my side.

The process would continue, until all the students had a team. We all took our sides, as the teacher placed flaming dodge balls in the center of the gym. I looked at my team, then looked at Petra. She made eye contact with me, as we both mischievously smiled at one another.
"Ready?" The teacher yelled.
"Yeah!" All of the students yelled.
"Set." We all took a running stance, getting ready to run.

The majority of both teams charged towards the middle. The other team getting four of the six balls, and our team getting two of them. Surprisingly, the shorty on our team beamed the ball at this big guy's face, and sent him flying towards the wall. Our team snickered, giving high fives to Austin.

Petra had one of the balls, and she threw it as hard as she could at Elliot. Elliot grabbed the ball, the impact of the ball not even hurting him a bit.
"Sorry, darling, you'll have to do better than that." Elliot smiled, making me sick to my stomach.
"Don't call me that." She warned, giving him a pretty intimidating look.
"I'll call you what I like, girl." Elliot scoffed. All of a sudden, I saw my claws grow out. Everyone partially continued the game, not paying too much attention to the drama.
"Don't call her something she doesn't want to be called." I demanded, looking Elliot in the eyes. He walked up to me, sending shivers down my spine.
"Watch yourself, newbie." He barked, shoving the ball into my grasp. I wheezed, the ball taking away my breath when he pushed the ball against my stomach.

I watched Petra walk to the sidelines, giving me a concerned look as she stomped and sat down.
I looked over at Elliot, who was eyeing me with the ball, just watching me. I looked around, and dodged a couple of balls that rocketed towards me. I gripped the flaming ball in my hand, and beamed it at a random person on the other team. He fell to the ground, and I smiled a bit, and looked at Elliot. He rolled his eyes at me, to which I ignored.

The game continued, and I saw that I had picked a pretty good team, for Zora was the last person on the other team after a while. My team grinned, the four others on my team getting ready to throw.
"You got this Zora!" Petra yelled, as Zora nodded. My team threw all of their dodge balls at once, and it was like time went in slow motion. She leaned back, and let the first ball glide right above her. She caught the second one, and hit the other two balls into the air. She placed that ball on the ground, and caught the two balls once. I dropped my jaw, as three of the five people on our team walked to the sidelines.

There was only me and Elliot left. Great.
"This one's for you, Petra." Elliot sneered, grabbing a ball that was barely on our side. Zora attempted to hit him with a ball, but he surprisingly dodged it by doing a backflip out of the ball's direction. He beamed it right at Zora, and it hit her leg, making her lose her balance and nearly fall. My team cheered, high-fiving Elliot. I could see Elliot wink at Petra, to which me and Petra nearly vomited.

The next round went much better. Although I got hit in the face by Zora, Petra beamed a ball in Elliot's face, making the class laugh. Their team ended up winning, and by the time that round was over, it was time to go to our next period.

"Hey, good game, Petr-"
I was cut off by her starting to cry into my chest. I didn't exactly know how to react, so I just let her do so.
"It's ok, let it out, Petra." I tried to soothe her, letting her rest her head on my shoulder. She continues to sob, her voice trembling.
"I... H-hate him... S-s-so much."
"I do too, Petra. I do too."
"You... d-don't understand. I... Ugh." She started to cry even more, which made me really upset. I was even more upset with Elliot.
"I'm here, Petra. I'm here for you." I cooed, placing my hand on her arm.

I let her cry until she calmed down. She remained silent for a moment, and then smiled at me. I smiled back, as we both stood up. The bell rang, and I gave her a worried look. She just smiled, and looked at me.
"Wanna skip class?" She asked with a mischievous smile.
"I don't know, Petra..."
"Come on. It'll be fun!" She grinned. She grabbed me an arm, and dragged me out of school.

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