Chapter Four

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My fall ended with what appeared to be a half person, half demon guy yelling at me for landing on him.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" The guy asked. He seemed to look around my age, and he wasn't the biggest guy, but he was intimidating.
"S-sorry, I was just-"
"Just get out of here!" He yelled. With a slight shove, he sent me flying, landing on the ground of what seemed to be a mile away.

"Man, Elliot must be on his period today." A figure laughed, picking me up off the ground. "You must be new, seeing as though you didn't even try to rip Elliot apart."
"Elliot. The guy you landed on when you fell. Don't worry, he's a douchebag. He's that mean to everyone."
"The name's Matt. I'll probably see ya around. You should go to the main building. They get your classes set up, and tell you where your dorm is."
"Um... Ok. Thanks." I responded shakily. He punched me playfully in the arm, but it hurt more than getting hit with a sledgehammer. I teared up a tiny bit, but didn't let a groan of pain escape my lips.
"Man, if you want to survive in here, you've gotta be meaner." He told me. He sprouted a pair of large wings, and flew off.

I looked around, trying to find the "main building", but couldn't find it no matter where I looked. I nervously asked a random passerby, wondering how well the conversation would go for me.
"Excuse me, but do you know where the main building is?"
"Of course. It's the one protected by a fire barrier. It's not to far from here. You can't miss it." The man responded, coughing out flames from his mouth.
"Thanks a lot."
"No problem, kid."

He kept on walking, and for a moment, I stood in awe. I would never imagine Hell to have people actually be nice once in a while. Of course, you have a lot of demons like Elliot most likely, but some of these demons are kinda nice.

I stared at what appeared to be a building engulfed in flames. I walk the distance, all the way to what appeared to be a barrier. The fiery barrier scared me, to the point I didn't feel safe. Not that I originally did, either.
"Come on, Beth! Don't tell me you're scared!" A young kid laughed in front of me, making fun of the young girl. They appeared to be the same age, probably around nine or ten years old.
"I-I'm not scared!" The girl responded.
"Alright, then jump in! We need to get our classes scheduled!" The boy yelled.
"O-ok... H-here I go..." The girl muttered. She jumped in, immediately yelling from the pain given to her from the fire. The boy jumped in after she did, groaning, but handling the pain much better than the girl.

I took a step back, afraid of how much the fire was going to hurt. I stared at it for the longest time, then prepared myself. I took a few steps back, then ran as fast as I could. For some reason, the impact of the barrier didn't hurt me, and the fire didn't burn me or inflict any pain. In fact, something else happened.

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