Chapter Thirteen

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"Hello class, I'm Mr. Emerald, and I'll be teaching your history class." A man walked into the room, carrying a briefcase, and he looked as if he didn't belong here, seeing as though he looked like a pure human.
"This guy is awesome. I've had him before." Carter whispered to me, smiling.

The class looked exactly like a high school on Earth would. It seemed to have your stereotypical cliques, you had desks and whatnot, it all just seemed to be normal. It was reassuring, because I wasn't sure I would be ready if something big were to happen.

The class was a normal class. We basically skimmed over what we were going to do this year: the creation of Heaven and Hell, famous demons and myths, and a bunch of other stuff. I was actually interested in how this place came to be, and it would be cool to know some of the famous demons here. So I'm pretty sure I'll pass that class.

"Alright, ready to go to your sword fighting class?" Petra smiled, holding her sword along with mine. "Oh, you forgot your sword at our dorm, so I ran and got it for you." She handed me my sword, and started to lead my to my next class.

"Alright, room 41. Let's go."
"Oh, so you're skipping your history class, Petra?"
"Yeah. I usually skip that class. It's really boring to me." Petra rolled her eye, and opened the door for me. I refused to go in, and grabbed the door from.
"Ladies first." I smiled.
"Yeah, ladies first, Sage. Meaning you go first."
I rolled my eyes, and motioned her to go in. She smiled, and entered the room, me entering after her.

"Hello, I'm Ms. Slash!" A young woman with long, red hair in a pony tail stood in the front of the empty room. "I'm assuming everyone has a sword, but if you don't, there's a stack of different swords over there." She pointed to a rack of swords, some spewing fire, some surrounded with electricity, and swords that had water that surrounded the blade.
"Alright, well, the class is pretty self explanatory, kids. So get a partner and duel!" She yelled, as people started to pair up, most of them dueling against their best friends for fun.

I stood alone, as Petra started talking with the teacher, as if they had known each other since birth. I looked around, to try to find someone that I could match up against.

There was a kid who stood alone, alienated by the group of kids that hardly acknowledged his existence. I walked over to him, and smiled.
"Hi there! Wanna duel?" I asked with a smile. He nodded, showing a hint of a smile. He remained silent, not seeming he was a talkative kid.
We both held up our swords, and i could feel sweat starting to pour my forehead.
"Allez!" I yelled. We clashed our swords together, and with one swipe, he sent me flying. I hit the wall right next to the teacher and Petra, and both of them snickered at me.

"Shut up Petra." I rolled my eyes at her.
"Why don't you come over here and make me? It's not like you could even land a hit on me." She laughed, placing a hand on my shoulder. The whole class started snickering, laughing at how weak I am. But while Petra wasn't looking, I hit her with my sword. The sword hit her so hard, she hit the wall, and it left a mark on the wall.

Petra was motionless, so motionless I got worried.
"Petra!" I ran over to Petra, and shook her. "A-Are you ok?"
She slowly started to move, groaning. She looked up at me, and smiled.
"Not bad, Sage. Not bad." She held out her hand, and I grabbed it, pulling her up onto her feet. She brushed off her clothes, and she started to stretch, as if she was never hit by my sword.

"You really caught me off guard there." She told me, as everyone started to go back to their business.
"Don't be sorry! That was awesome!" She laughed. I smiled, actually feeling proud of myself.
"You should get back to dueling with Clover."
"So that's his name."
"Yeah. He seems like a cool guy. Quiet, strong, cute..." She started listing things about the guy, and I could feel a tiny bit of anger. I could feel my face turn hot, but I tried to hide it.
"Yeah. He's alright." I groaned.
"What's wrong?" She sneered.
"Nothing." I walked back over to Clover, who was patiently waiting for my arrival.

"Alright. En guarde." I angrily muttered to him, as we both raised our swords.
"Allez." I quickly swung my sword numerous times, as Clover barely deflects them with his sword. I kept on rapidly swinging my sword, and he kept on quickly dodging them. After a while, I finally landed a hit on him, the blade slightly penetrating his shirt and a bit of his skin. He groaned in pain, dropping his sword and placing his hands over the wound.
"You alright?" I asked worriedly. He nodded, closing his eyes. I dropped my jaw, as his hands started to lightly glow green. He then took his hand off his wound, but his wound had disappeared.
"You have healing powers?" I asked in awe. He nodded, smiling.
"That's really cool, Clover."

As soon as I said that, the bell rung, dismissing everyone to their next class.
"So, how'd you like this class?" Petra asked.
"It's pretty cool. It's something I could potentially beat you at." I gave a devious grin, and laughed the tiniest bit.
"Yeah right." She rolled her eyes, not even feeling threatened. "Alright, so we both have gym next. I think Zora and Matt have gym with us, too."
"Don't be so sure about that. Gym class can be brutal." She warned.
"I'll be able to handle it."

We both walked to gym, and I smiled, going into deep thought. High school here actually is pretty cool. Less homework, and I actually have friends. Back at home, I never had any friends, and to just be handed them... It's amazing. Call me crazy, but Hell is actually one of the better things that have happened to me.

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