7. Not Very Smart

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"This time I'm staying with you whore's at night so none of you get any ideas."

Now how are we going to escape?

As we all sat back down I'm the room, the man sat at the now broken - due to me kicking down the door- door frame.

"Sit down and shut the fuck up."he informed us.

"May I ask something? " asked Veronica.

" What. " he said dryly.

" What is your name? " she asked.

" that my little one cannot be said." he said blankly.


That night was the worst.

Girls were being yelled at while the man was drunk. If you fell asleep he'd yell so you would wake up.

Jordan sat on the lap if Veronica who was in between Kendal and I.

I looked at the man who was now thankfully asleep - and snoring. Loudly.

"How are we going to get out now? We can't do anything now that he's here. And I am uncertain how many days it's been since we've been taken. 5 now? I don't know. Do you think people care? " asked Veronica.

" I don't know. If I had a phone right now - I could answer all if that. " I said.

" The man has a phone in his pocket, it works and everything. I've seen him use it. " whispered one of the other girls close to us.

" If you know what pocket he keeps it in, I'll get it. But everyone hast to be silent. " I asked.

" The pocket on his left. Closest to us. " the girl answered back.

I nodded then proceeded to get up. Walking over to the man and awkwardly reaching my tied up hands into his left pocket and pulling out his IPhone 4.

Yes! Maybe we have a chance of getting out of here.

Walking back over and sitting down beside Veronica, I turned the phone off and swiped the unlocked phone.

I searched for the phone app and clicked it.

Who should I call first? 911? Or someone to come and get us?

Dialling Damon, I put the phone to my ear and looked away from the man.

"Ugh, hello? " answered a very tired Damon.

" Damon! Oh God I'm happy to be talking to you. I need you to help us! We have been kidnapped by this man and he has us hostage in his cabin or whatever it is he calls it. " I whisper- yelled into the phone.

" Hold on, your what!? " asked a now very worried Damon.

"Weve been kidnapped and you need to help us! Please Damon! I think we are in the -" I was cut off by a pair of hands grabbing the phone.

Looking up to see who it was, I was horrified.

"You think you are in the what? " Asked the man.

" In the verge of getting out if here. " I said standing up.

" Oh you do now do you? " he said 'enthusiastically' while grabbing my upper arm and pilling me out of the room.

" Get your Hands off me! " I shouted at him pulling me out of the room.

Hold on, did he even hang up the phone?

Ah he'll no he didn't! That means Damon is hearing everything right now!

He was still pulling me behind him and through the cabin so he couldn't see the smile stretching across mg face.

We finally stopped in front of a door. Opening the door for me and pushing me in the man walked in and shut the door behind him.

Catching my balance, I looked around the room.

A big nice bed with headboard? Dressers and fully furnished?

Shit. I'm in his room.

He pushed me towards the bed and I resisted. But he was too strong - surprisingly - and I was bent over the side of the bed.

He spun me around to fast I nearly lost my balance. He grabbed the ropes around my wrists and tied them to the headboard

Oh shit shit shit shit shit! This is going Fifty Shades Of Grey way to quickly!

"If you thought I was weak, or too pussy to do anything"-he said as he was pulling my shorts down - "then you've got another thing coming for you!" he practically shouted.

He put his large hands on my waist and started to trail downwards to the curve of my ass.

"damn" he cursed under his breath. "Ever think of modelling?" he asked me.

"For your information -I am a model. Just not an extremely famous one. " I said matter-of-factly.

I felt his hands go to the insides of my thighs just above my knees. His hands started to move upwards and so I intentionally opened my legs more.

" Lustful are we? " he said while he started to move closer to the one spot he wanted to get to.

Before he was a couple of inches away from putting his hand there, I kicked backwards and ended up nailing him right in the balls- if he even has any - and he stumbled about 2 metres away from me.

I tried to turn around to grab my shorts and suddenly remembered I was tied to the headboard.

"Think I'm that easy to get away from?! " he said walking up to me regaining his balance.

" A little... " I murmured under my breath.

" well then. " he said while tugging my underwear down so my bare button was facing him.

I could hear un zipping coming from behind me and the sound of his pants hitting the floor.

I cannot believe that this is actually happening. No no no! - wait. Where is his phone? Oh. My. God.

Damon is still on the phone! You know, if he hasn't hung up yet or something.

" I think you should be punished for doing that. " he said while stroking my but.

" Punishment for you, enjoyable for me. " he said as he thrusted into me.

I Screamed in pain, but he just kept on going.

"You will never do that again!" he shouted.

The pain was un bearable.

What am I going to do?

Hey guys...

I'm sorry about this chapter being gross.
And not updating alot.
But there is still more to come!
Love Kate

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