1. You Sleep Forever

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I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating on the nightstand. I pushed the covers off me and sat up. I unplugged it and lied back down.

I turned it on to see 2 missed calls from Kendal and Veronica- Just the two best people in my life-.

I dialled Kendal back and she picked up on the 3rd ring.

"Amelia, you sleep FOREVER."
Gosh, she sounds like she's been awake for hours. I mean after all, It's only 12 in the afternoon.

"Well good afternoon to you too. What's up?" I yawned out.

"Veronica and I are hitting up the mall in about an hour. Care to join?"
She sounded so enthusiastic.

"Okay, I'll be at Veronica's house in an hour. Don't leave without me"

"Okay! See you then. Bye!" she said as I hung up.

"Okay, It's 12pm on a Saturday in summer. What to wear..." I asked myself.

I figured I could thing about it in the shower.

I jumped in and jumped out a lot quicker than I thought. I mean I've gotta get to Ver's house because those two gals aren't known very well for their patience.

I dried myself off and walked back into my room. Opened my drawers and got out a pair of black mini shorts and a bright pink and grey longsleeve

I brushed my hair and straightened it and threw on my hot pink 'BOSS' flat rimmed hat.

I put on a little bit of eye liner, blush, lipstick and mascara.

I looked at myself in the mirror and damn. I looked good.

My long pitch black hair went pretty well with my tanned skin. Looking at myself in the mirror I looked into the dark brown of my eyes.

I was ready to go.

I grabbed my keys - which I got for my 19th birthday, Thanks Veronica! - for my black Honda Civic. Walked out if my apartment building and to the parking lot.

I hopped in the car and put my keys in ignition. Turned on the radio and opened the sun roof. The car then was filled with Justin Bieber's What Do You Mean.

I turned it on and started my drive to Veronica's house.

It was convenient because her house was only 15 minutes away. Looking at the time it was 12:37.

Today should be good.

Hold on a minute. Did you even grab money?

And that was when I did a U-turn.

Running back to my apartment and grabbing $170 I ran back to the car and checked the time



If I go quick then I should make it in time.

Okay, Now it's going to be a Good day.

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