8. Thank You

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After the man had left me in the room - and after he raped me- he left me in his room while he was out 'Somewhere better then this place' he said before leaving me still tied to the headboard.

He was such an Idiot.

Leaving an 18 year old in a room alone which the room probably has guns, knives, a clue to whoever the fucking kidnapped all of us and a window.

Pathetic really. I mean, quite the dick move.

I climbed up onto the bed so that I was no longer bent other the sides and looked to see how he did the knot.

I was able to untie the knot and get off the bed. It was hard due to the fact I was weak, from lack of food. Sore, from being raped and tired as hell.

I began looking in his nightstand to find nothing but socks. I moved quickly to the dresser to find a small switchblade which I took and hid it in my bra- hey! Don't judge. It works.-.

Now for a key.

I looked in the rest of his drawers and found a key. I quickly walked over to the door and tried to insert the key.

Why the fucking hell doesn't it work!?

You know what. Maybe it's for the front door.

Screw it. I'm getting out of here.

I walked over to the window and picking up the chair, I smashed the window using the chair.

I climbed up and making sure there wasn't any glass were I was falling, I jumped down and quickly made contact with the hard dirt-graval ground.

I regained my balance a d stood up. Brushing off the dirt and glass from my shirt and shorts.

I started to walk around the cabin to secure the parameter.

He's not here.

I quickly ran to the front and got the front door key and unlocked the door.

Closing it behind me I quickly walked to the room everyone was in. I stopped abruptly and looked to my side to find a home phone/landline.

I can call the police! Family's of the people who've been missing and Damon to come and help us!

I quickly found myself picking the phone up and dialling Damon's number.

"Hello? " he answered

" Damon! Did you hear what was happening yesterday whenever I called you? " I asked him.

" Yea, are you okay? I was thinking it was a prank until I heard you getting raped" he said. I had a chill run down my spine.

"yes I'm fine. But you need to help us. I know we are in a forest but not sure what one. It was a long drive whenever the man took us here so maybe the Ranch Road Forest? "I said.

" Okay. I'm on my way. Is he there with you guys?" I've asked.

"No, he's not. " I said.

" Okay. Don't worry, you, Veronica and Kendal are all going to be safe one your in my car. " he said.

" Oh no, but see, it's not just Veronica, Kendal and I. It's about 20 other girls aswell. Ages look about 7 to 22. " I said.

" Shit. Okay well call the police. I'm on my way. " he said reassuringly

" Okay, thank you. " I said and hung up.

I then dialled 911.

" Hello? 911 emergency. What is your problem." the dispatcher said.

"Hello? Um okay. So Ive been kidnapped along with my friends and about twenty other girls." I said

"Okay, where is your location?" the dispatcher asked.

"im guessing Ranch Road Forest. " I said.

" okay, I have sent the police. How long have you been there? " asked the dispatcher.

" about 3 weeks now. " I said guessing

" Okay. Can you tell me your name? " asked dispatch.

But before I could answer, I heard this huge sound of a gunshot.

I dropped the phone and it lost its batteries.

I looked to where the sound came from.

And there. In front of me. Stood the man. Holding a gun to the air, lowering it towards my head.


Intense? Not yet? Just you wait...

What is going to happen to Amelia?
Is the police going to catch the man?
How are the girls in the other room reacting to the gunshot?

What will the man do now that people know about the location?

Xoxo kate

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