13. Getting Over It

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Amelia was killed and Jordan is still taken.

Damon rushed out to try to get to Amelia before the man shot her - and he failed.


I thought everything would be fine. The police would come, the man would get arrested for kidnap and rape, along with breaking and entering/ attempt robbery.
And now in front of everyone laid dead/dying Amelia on the ground.

I am at a loss of words. Every single person fell silent after her last words were spoken. I don't know if everyone was still trying to proses what just happened , still in shock or they are too scared to speak in fear of the man killing them.

I'm far beyond mad. Hell, I'm so mad I'm calm! The reason I'm mad is because he killed the girl I tried to be her hero. The girl who would look at me with loving eyes and realize that I'm not just a crotch dog.

He killed the girl I loved.

I've known Amelia all my life, well since fourth grade but that's a different story.

What am I going to do? I could run back inside my house and wake every single person up to defend what could possibly kill the rest of us, Or I could draw out the gun I stole from that cabin and end everything right now. An ol' Texas style.

I'm not the best gunman, but hell, it's a small handgun with every barrel loaded.
I think I can handle it.

Not thinking twice I took three steps forward - just enough to walk out from behind Kendal and Veronica and stand square in front of them. I reached into my back pocket and grabbed the handgun and pointed it directly at the man's head.

"Kid, might I suggest that you turn the safety off the gun just so that if you get a stupid leap of courage as to shoot me." The man spoke in an obvious tone.

"Right." I mumbled turning the safety off and pointing it back at the mans head.

The man looked a little more satisfied with the now barely fair match and pointed his gun - the gun he shot Amelia with - and focused on my head.

Not breaking eye contact with the man whom I'm held at gunpoint with, I turned my head just enough so Veronica could hear me clearly.

"When I say, I want you to get the girls, and run inside my house." I said regaining my position face-to-face with the man.

"Now, there's two ways we can handle this. One way, you can let everyone go and I'll give you engaging you'd like for a year. Or, you can let everyone go - and take my life as a pay for all of theirs." I offered.

"Sounds like a good deal. " the man said lowering his gun.

I lowered my gun the slightest but not letting my entire guard down.
I was shaken when he raised his gun again and spoke, " but the deal would sound even better if I were you kill you, along with all of you -he gestured with his free hand to all the girls - so there be no witnesses and I carry on with my life. " he said before he shot me in the arm. I fell to the ground and cringed/winced/groaned from the pain while being engulfed by high pitched screams coming from the girls.

I turned towards Veronica and screamed at her "Now! Go!".
She instantly turned and grabbed as many kids' hands in hers as she could and began to run towards my house, along with Veronica and all the older women helping bring the littler girls.

The man tried to run after the girls but I shot him in the leg making him fall to the ground, dropping his gun which reluctantly fell near me. I crawled over to it and grabbed it with my one good arm.

I pointed it at the man as he slowly turned around to meet my deathly hard glare.

"I like the part in the deal where you die and everyone gets free." I said before shooting his arm so he could not get up without pain. I quickly got up and ran towards the house, dislike the pain surging through me like I'm being Posessed, I had to make it to that house to tell everyone to hide and call the police.

I ran through the front doors and shut them behind me, locking them.

"Try to get through that, bitch." I mumbled.

I then ran into the living room and dialed nine-one-one . I told the operator the address and that the man had killed the officers that came here. She said that more were on their way and to stay hidden.

I continued to rush through the house trying to find the girls to tell them to stay calm and stay hidden. I have checked all throughout the house and no sign of them anywhere.

Damn, I don't wanna play hide-and-seek with them.

I made my way quickly up the stairs and ran into my room. There I found all the girls huddling in a corner. Some crying and others trying to picture everything that just happened.

"Is everyone alright?" I asked.

"Yes, as far as we know. Are you okay? You were shot in the arm. " spoke Kendal softly.

"I'm fine, I called the police so they are on their way. It should be all over now." I said hoping I my mind that it actually is over.

I walked over to the girls and sat down with them. I turned and saw Kendal and Veronica looking sad.
It's probably because their best friend was shot, dumbass! I thought.

"Hey, guys, I'm sorry about , um, Amelia." I said honestly.

"It's fine, we all knew how much you loved her." Replied Veronica.

I heard some faint sirens in the distance and got up from where I was sitting to go look out of the window. And there, was the police cruisers pulling up and some police officers hand cuffing the man.

Now we just have to get over it. And her.


Well, that's that.

Thanks for reading

kate xo

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