15. Finding A New

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Hey!! I'm so terribly sorry I have not been updating lately... But guess who's back? Back again? Guess who's back - okay sorry. Getting carried away...
Enjoy :)


"Come on! Your going to be late for your first day of fourth grade!" I yelled to my adopted daughter Jordan. Yep. It's been at least a year since everything has happened now and Damon and I are officially a couple. He adopted Jordan and we became a family. Somewhat along those lines.

"Coming!" She eagerly shouted back running down the stairs with a bright smile. "Are we all ready?" I asked Damon who was grabbing his coat by the front door of our new house. "Yep. I've got everything I need." He said picking up Jordan and wrapping his free arm around me giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Eww! Can't you wait till I'm down at least!" Said a disgusted Jordan. "Alright alright, come on. We're going to be late!" I said. We all walked out of the front door and Damon locked it. I headed towards our black 2016 Honda Civic and put Jordan in the back. Along with my purse, her school bag and my jacket.

I hopped in the passenger seat and buckled in. Damon opened the back door and put his jacket and lunch bag. Damon stepped into the drivers seat with a quick slide and shut the door. We started down the driveway and to Jordan's school. We dropped Jordan off with a quick hug and kiss and carried on with our drive.

Damon starts work slightly earlier than me and finishes work when I'm already done so I get out of work and go get Jordan from school then pick him up from his work. It's a good schedule. We arrive at Damon's work office and we both get out. I walk over to the drivers side while he gets his things from the back. I give him a quick kiss from the opened window of the car and say goodbye.

I wonder what Kendal is up to right about now... I think

"Siri, call Kendal." I said into our automatic voice assistance. "calling Kendal." Siri replies. The phone call rings three times and she picks up on the fourth. "Hello?" She speaks into the phone with a clear voice.

"Wow I would have no idea you'd be awake at - Wow! Nine in the morning! Are you okay? Where's the Kendal that I know who would continue to sleep even if an earthquake was happening?" I joked.

"Oh ha ha ha very funny Mrs. Proper" she teased me because of how much I've changed. How I'm now successfully running my own architecture business.

" whatever. So, what're you up to? " I asked

"Oh nothing really, just taking a day off I guess. I have no clue why I'm awake at 9 in the morning though." She said dumbfounded.

"Okay, maybe we could go to the mall this weekend? I'm off and Jordan is going to her friends house for a birthday party. Damon can have a guys night out at our place and Veronica can join us for a sleepover?" I started to plan.

"Sure, that sounds great. I'll text her to see what's happening on her side and you can talk to Damon and get his idea if he wants to have a guys night or just a quiet night to himself. I'm going to head back to sleep. I'll tell you what Ver said when before I fall asleep though. Okay?" She asked.

"Okay, perfect. I'm at work now either way, bye Ken." I said.

"Bye Amelia." She finished ending the call.

I got out of the car and grabbed my things. Walking towards the tall building and walking into the front doors into the large and relaxed atmosphere, I put myself into work mode. I'm going to get through today then it's off for the weekend.

I feel something vibrate in my purse so I open it and take out my phone.

Ken: it's final!! Ver is free on Friday night at 6 so we can sleep at my place then head off to the mall on Saturday. Return back to my place and see what happens from then?

Amelia: sure. I'll talk to Damon when it's my break, see what he thinks. Gotta go now, people need my approvals. Bye!!

Ken: bye!!

With that final text I put my phone back into my black matte let her purse and continued through the large office to my floor and private office.


When I was on my break I went onto my phone and texted Damon.

Amelia: hey baby, Kendal Veronica and I are planning a girls night out this Friday night, Saturday and maybe Sunday. Jordan is at a sleepover birthday party on Friday night so you could have a guys night out but just remember you'd have to pick Jordan up from her friends house... Does that sound OK?

Damon: that sounds fine, the guys and I have been meaning to do something lately so we will just chill or whatever at the house. What time will I need to pick Jordan up from the party?

Amelia: thanks baby, and I think it's 2:30 pm. You will have to check the birthday card whenever you can. I left it on the kitchen table.

Damon: OK. Will do. Got to go, break is ending. Bye love.

Amelia: me too, bye baby. Thanks again.

And with that it was planned. This is going to be on fun weekend.

Yay! She finally updated! Lmao sorry for the delay, I got a writers block and didn't know what to do for this chapter. Lol I have no clue what I'm going to do for the next chapter.

Huh!  Gasp!  Did she say, next chapter? As in this is not the last chapter!
Well. Yes. There will be another chapter. And I'm going to finish it off there.

Vote, comment,fan <3

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