10. A different angle

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We have been in the van for a while now. It's very crowded due to the fact of there being around 20 girls in the van. How we all fit? I'm still trying to figure that out.

It was too dark outside to see where we were going. But I had a feeling we were still in the forest due to the bumpy roads.  The van finally stopped and the man got out.

He walked around the the side door and before opening it he checked his surroundings to make sure that there was no one there.

He slid the side door open and pulled out the girls sitting beside the door and they fell on the ground and groaned from the pain.  When Monica and I were taken out of the van it was still very dark but the morning light was starting to seep through some trees.

I know this place from somewhere... But where? I can't remember.

He hauled us towards a medium looking sized  shack and pushed all of us inside. Inside the shack was two single mattresses pushed together , a trash can, ropes, cob webs and one old looking window.

Okay, what can I use to-

My thoughts were cut off by a loud scream coming from Jordan. I looked over to her to see her in the hands of the man. 

"Ah, ah, ah! " he warned me before I could do anything to save Jordan.
"Now. This goes for all of you. Especially you ,Amelia. " he said eyeing me down.
"Now those of you who are wondering 'Hey! What the fuck are we doing in this shack?' Well, this is your answer. There is a big huge house through these forests and that huge house, has something that I want. Now most of you are thinking 'well, why did we Come here or what's the point in this?' And the point of this is, your all going to get it for me. When the first light comes, we are going to leave the shack and break into the house. Grabbing everything that you can carry and bringing it back to the van and loading it up.  If any of you are caught, I will kill you. If any of you try to run off, I will hurt you so badly and leave you like that so you are stuck in pain. Any questions?" He ordered.

Nobody moved. We were all in shock of what we are being forced to do.

" okay, good. I wasn't going to answer any of them either way. Now, find somewhere to sleep and get some rest.  You'll need the energy. " he said before leaving with Jordan in his hands and locking us in the cabin.

After a while of just sitting in that shack, most of the girls were asleep except for Monica and Kendal. I was thinking of ways to escape when I found a way. I quickly ordered Monica and Kendal to wake up the others and I stood up so people would look at me.      " okay. Guys, listen up. This might be our only chance of escape. We all have to listen Very carefully. " I said. Making sure to exaggerate the 'very'.

I just hope this works.

Well. I know this chapter was a little short but at least it's there.
And I have a little bit of bad news.
The book might be over within another 6 chapters...?
I am unsure on how many more chapters I'm doing but no doubt about it there will be a climax, and it should be a Big climax.

Okay, thanks for reading!! Stay tuned for more.

Xoxo kate

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