Thirty seven : kloe Bloodshed

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"Oh shit!" Jef mumbled looking threw the binoculars.

We were at the top of hill side across the way from the condo Adele was staying at.

"What's the problem?" Claudia asked picking up her pair to view what jef was seeing!

"That's ZALEDA... Zale!!" Jef blurted out covering us all with shock. The entire black mafia looked on in awe.

ZALE the infamous mafia queen was in our sights like a hawk.

Tall,Dark, and Evil! She was the same bitch who had doings with the murder of my niece.

And now the pieces of the puzzle was falling together in an instance!

"We gotta go back to the drawing boards!" Santino announced grasping all of our attention.

"The hell with that!" Claudia snapped cocking her silver pistol. "I'm taking this bitch out now!!!"

"Claud!" Santino called firmly. "This ain't the fuckin time or way!"

" fuck that! I'm calling the shots, this bitch was behind the burning of our deceased daughter, this may be the only time! I'm taking advantage of it!!! Now all on one black mafia lets go!!!"

Without a thought, I took my gun off safety and stood by my sister!

She was the only family I had left so I'd be damned if I go against her! It might not be the smartest move but we were going to make this work!

All on one black mafia was in formation and moving in separate vehicles!

"I got eyes on the car they just entered, adele and Cheeno are with her!" Dean notified over the walkie talkie.

Santino was smashing on the gas trying to get within distance of the black Beamer they were driving.

As much as my nerves were bothering me, I refused to let them get the best of me. Jef was beside me gazing straight ahead.

    I couldn't take my eyes off him for some reason, so eventually he caught me.

"Don't be nervous." He mumbled looking down at my semi trembling hands.

   "I'm not." I smirked, before I noticed Claudia finishing up her order on the walkie talkie.

   The sun had set maybe 10 minutes ago so it was gloomy shaded and getting cold.

  Santino made sure the lights were off as he followed them to the dark route of trees they were zooming down.

    Suddenly they came to a turn which was an empty lot to a plane way and an jet awaiting.

We pulled over far back by a dumpster which was a ways behind a security station. 

"Kloe I need you to take out security, jef cover her."

  And without another word we nodded exiting the Range Rover with guns drawn.

     I lead the way, kneeling behind the small building, as jef took out the first security camera startling me.

"My fault." He laughed . "Next time I'll warn ya."

     I shook my head grinning as he took out the next few before we made it to the side, noticing two of zales men entering the building.

  I glimpsed back at jef who was set to go and caught the door before it shut.

    One shot to the back of the first guys head was a start to the rodeo!! Jef began shooting instantly. The second guy dropped without warning gasping for air as jef moved forward hitting the security guard like a bullseye as he reached for the panic button.

   I stood over zales guy who was clinging on to life and ended it with one bullet threw his temple.

    My adrenaline was on 1000 at this point.

Within minutes we had cleared out the entire building and destroying all evidence!

      Once we headed for the parking lot the show had already started! There were three more unfamiliar cars parked but black mafia and zaledas Warriors were having an old fashion shoot out!

   Jef snatched me by the hand diving for the building to reload.

"Be careful!! This shit is serious stay behind me!!" Jef demanded as we stood making our way.

    I was zooming around trying to see where Claudia was but with all the commotion I barely had time to look.

     Immediately we began shooting!!

     Dean was on one knee blasting a chopper like he was straight out of an action movie!

       Out the side of my eye I noticed a short guy in white aiming for us! Without a complete thought I began to shoot!! Taking him out after two attempts.

Jef gazed back at me with a shocked yet thankful look! 

    We made our way forward dodging bullets and shooting as if I lives depended on it!!

     This was the revenge we were waiting on and it tasted sweeter by the moment.

  None of our men had dropped but we were aiming to kill! Dropping zales men's like flies!!

        I looked over to Claudia aiming her ak at Adele who in return was aiming back at her, they were in a stand off.

     I was running as fast as I could trying to get to my sisters side and  help, but it's as if I was moving on slow motion!

    Santino was letting bullets fly out the chamber if his gun like bats as he shot at zaleda.

     She wasn't giving in easy  his fire call was answered with a return of  bullets.

     Everyone was swarming everywhere and bullets were sliding like water as the sound of sirens were heard from a distance.

     Instantly I saw santino jolted back grabbing his arm and I rushed over shooting while the mafias tried to disburse!!

     Blood was seeping threw my brothers hands as he fell to his knees!

    I began to shoot in zales direction as she disappeared running. 

"I'll be back just hold on!!" I told santino, turning to take off after them as they boarded the jet.

   I could see Cheeno heading in Claudia and adelrs direction shooting!

    I quickly began to shoot at him!

Adele took advantage of the moment Claudia ran for cover!

Just as she aimed for my sisters head my heart began to race, turning my gun in her direction and firing!!

  Bodies were everywhere and the sirens were getting closer!

   Cheeno grabbed Adele pulling her in his direction running sideways shooting.

    A rage was covering my body as I forgot all about taking cover and just shot until finally one of my bullets pierced Cheeno on his side.

  His gun dropped as he began to drag nearly falling if Adele hadn't held him up.

   A few men came to assist him carrying him to the jet.

    There was nothing else we could do but retreat to our vehicles quickly before the cops turned in.

    Jef startled me grabbing me by my arm to run to the cars.

    We had left a massacre at that plane landings but this was far from over!

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