My life

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 Hi, my name is Charlize Nightshade(great last name, right?[not]) Every day is a new struggle, either I'm being bullied, or my dad is teaching me a "lesson". I'll just say it, my life sucks, it is a sick joke. Sometimes I wake up and think  that is all an elaborate dream, for this should be only able to happen in your nightmares. Then, I move. My body constantly aches and groans. I don't ever want to get out of my cramped bedroom. First of all, it smell of beer. secondly, if I'm ever caught out of the room after 6pm, then there would be consequences. Thirdly, it is super hard to get in and out of my room... more like closet. Once my father learned about Harry Potter living under the stairs, he shoved me and my few belongings into  the front closet and turned my old room into a gamblers paradise. That was my life now, I am treated like crap, under fed, and my lessons where very "interactive."

   It wasn't always like this, before my  mom died, I was perfectly happy. I was a normal teenager with a magnificent mom and a delightful dad. I was a popular soccer champion that everyone loved and adored. However, when my mom passed, my  life was changed for the worse. He started just slapping at first. Then he became more violent. He started to really come at me. That was the end of the good ole' days. Ever since, I have been bullied, stereo-typed and beaten. That was the day the music died.  

  So ya.... that is it. For now. Mwahehahehahehahehahehahehahehaaheha. Jk I love ya'll

                                                                                                            The Author

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