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I woke up around 1 A.M., just to get another night with little sleep. When my dream came back to me, I started to cry. I try so hard to push that memory back, but it just seems to keep crawling back into my night mares. It was about 3 o'clock when I finally cried my self to sleep.
Once again, my body alarm clock woke me up for school. The school day went by slowly and uneventfully. Uneventful until I was exiting the building.
   "Hey, sorry about yesterday," Mike came up behind me.
"Oh, that happens all the time," I commented.
"Well, do you want to do hang out? Come on," once again, without permission, he pulled my arm towards the parking lot.
"Hey, I really have to get home."
"Oh come on, come and hang out for just an hour, I promise,"he pleaded. He looked into my eyes and I couldn't help but say yes. I was going to be in so much trouble.
Three hours later we were walking in the woods near my house. Then, we reached a lake. I recognized the lake in a few milliseconds.
"no, no, no," I muttered and fell to my knees.
"Hey are you okay?" A hand it touched my shoulder. That was it, like the night before I had snapped.
"why, why did you have to bring me here. You cute tripped me into coming into these cursed woods with you tonight, even though I told you know. And then you went and drag me to this awful place, damn the consequences, and you know what..." Before I could finish, He put his hands on my shoulders.
"What are you talking about, I never made you do anything. I just wanted to hang out with you."
"Why," I yelled at him.
"Because I think you're cute."
"I think you're cute too," I accidentally blurted. He looked just about as shocked as I was, but then he kissed me. I mean full on the lips kissed. But then he got weirder, I kissed him back. We kissed in the perfect scenery, with the perfect person. The only bad thing, this was the place I watched my mother die.
"So, will you tell me what's wrong...
Whoa what happened to your face?" A Gasper out. I realize my hair was dyed my face, revealing my scar.
"What's that?" He sounded shocked.
" I've got to go."

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