Good Cop, Bad Cop

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Charlize's POV
   Feeling disgusting after my night in the woods avoiding the police, the next day I decided to go back to school. I knew it was a big risk, but i want to make people think there was nothing going on. Furthermore, I had to talk to Mike. I really did like him, but he had figured out to much. To keep him safe, I needed to keep him in the dark about my father. I couldn't rick getting someone els hurt. However, a voice in my mind urged me to tell someone, hopping my father had been apprehended the previous night. I was shook out of my thoughts when the bell, signaling that first period started in five minutes, rand its harsh sound throughout the school yard I was currently sitting in. And so my day began.
Not much happened until my fifth period, that's when disaster struck.
From across the room I heard, "We are detectives from the SBPD, may we speak to a Charlize Nightshade?" And even worse, my teacher let them take me out of the class room into the hallway. I got up and slowly made my way to the class room door, trying to avoid all the stairs and whispers coming form the class. When I stepped out of the class room, I saw the male and female duo I saw last night.
  "What do you want," I asked, and it came out more rude than I intended it to.
  The man scowled, "We have your father in custody and he isn't getting out any time soon. We now have to make arrangements for you."
  "What kind of arrangements?" I asked.
   "You need somewhere to live and a guardian to take care of you," the woman explained nicely.
   "We have to take you in for questioning about last night also," the man added. I'm starting to really not like him.
  "An I in trouble?"
  "Depends. But you could be charged with obstruction of justice for distracting us from your father," The woman explained. The man ushered us to leave the hallway where some students were already looking at us. They walked out to a nice, new looking car. I started to reach of the door Handel to the back seat, but the man slapped my hand away and opened it for me. This seemed to be a usual occurrence because the woman just rolled her eyes.
  "What? It's new and cherry and it's going to stay that way," the man defended his pointless move. They started to say my rights as the car started up, but honestly, I wasn't listening. Before I knew it, we were pulling up to a police department.
  "Welcome to SBPD," the man said sarcastically. Man, he was really starting to remind me of Jimmy before he started ruining his life. They walked me in through the front door and I saw a magnificent arch way and a bunch of police officers working at their desks. Then I see the white dude and black dude duo from last night, and they where paying... put put golf. That couldn't be normal.
  "Spencer, Guster, but the putter away and do something useful!" The man who brought me here snapped at the fun loving pair.  But instead of looking hurt, the pair just laughed.  "Lassi said putter!" The white dude said and both of them started to laugh hysterically.
   "Shawn, just do as Lassiter says," the woman exasperated.
   "What ever you say Jules, wouldn't want to make a bad impression for the little criminal here," he looked at me. I simply scowled in disgust, I was no criminal, just a daughter who obeyed her father. How was I supposed to know that I was causing a distraction for the police.
   "Aw, someone has an attitude," he smirked, still looking at me. I shrunk back in embarrassment.
   "Stop harassing the kid and get in my office now!" Another woman called from what I assumed was her office. She was nice looking, maybe in her 40's, and had short blond hair.
   "Yes chief, come on Shawn. And sorry about him kid, he has an ego bigger than the state of California," the African American man told me. Guster, I think his name was. I laughed silently and hesitantly as the two me walked off.
  "Okay, enough excitement for now, t let's get a move on," Lassiter ushers me to a room with grey walls and a mirror on one side. The room was empty except for 3 chairs under a metal table. Great, just peachy. Now to get interrogated by the good cop and bad cop.
So it's holiday break so I should be able to write more, Yay. Just keep reading voting and commenting! Happy Holidays!
                          The Author

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