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"Spencer, why are you following us?" Lassie questioned me.
   "I'm on a case, a man disappeared in this area, so there must be clues," I lied, I just wanted to tag along.
   "Fine, just keep behind me,"he spat.          Jules knocked on the door as hard as she could and yelled, "SBPD, open up."
   When we herd no answer, Lassie put his leg about handle high, and kicked. The door flew open and we walked in. As I peered around the hallway, I saw that the doormat was folded over in a manner that I can tell that the front closet was open hastily.
   "I'm getting something. Welcome. Coat," I made up some words to cover up my non-devineness.
   "Coat closet," Jules figured out. Lassie slowly crept towards the handle. He pulled the door open and...
   Charlize's POV
When I entered the house, I was greeted by the fat, greasy face and my father.
"Where have you been?" He questioned.
   "O-out," I quavered.
    "Normally you would get an extra special lesson from me, but I need you to do something," I nodded my head vigorously, trying to avoid daddy daughter time.
    "Go outside and run, and make sure the cops can see you," he basically pushed me out the door. I did what I was told, unknowing why he wanted me to distract the police.
   Juliet's POV
When Lassiter opens the door, I raised my gun, not expecting when I saw. I looked down to see a grimy mattress with a thin hospital like blanket, and a few clothing items. It was abandoned by who ever lived here before.
   "Guys, a figure is running from the house. Potentially armed and dangerous..." Before McNab finished, we burst out the door. We soon spotted a tall, hooded figure. We ran in , and, although Shawn and Gus where far behind, Lassiter and I where catching up.

   "Stop and put your hands in the air," I called. The figure stopped so fast, they almost fell down. Steeling themselves, they put their hands over their head.

   "What's going on?" a feminine voice asked.

   "Why where you running?" I asked, my gun still pointing at what I assume was a girl.

   "M-my father told me to if I wanted to skip a lesson," she stammered.

    "Who's your father?" Lassiter barked.

   "Ji-jimmy Nightshade."

   "Come on kid," Lassiter ordered, "You're coming with us." He reached out to grab the girl, but she flinched, jumping backwards. Lassiter instinctively raise his gun in response. She obviously knew what it was because I could see fear radiate from her eyes. She looked like Shawn during the first time he was held gunpoint after he got shot. Lassiter saw it too, he immediately put his gun down.

   "Come with us," I ushered as sweetly as I could. She didn't move.

    "Lassiter, Juliet, come quickly," an officer called from behind the barricade.

   "We'll be back for you," Lassiter called as he ran off to the officer. Yet I stayed where I was. We couldn't just leave her here.

   "We have to go, and you need to come with us," I pleaded. The girl simply shook her head.

I had to go, but she refused to trust me.

"I will be back," I promised.

OMG I am so happy summers here. I will now be able to wright so much more. I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in so long, but hurray for summer! Keep commenting, reading and voting!

                                                                                                                           The Author

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