Daddy Dearest

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School skunk, and now I have to go home. God, I'm going to be in so much trouble. I could already tell I was going to be late and Jimmy was going to teach me a lesson.

When I walked in, I saw no one in the living room. Now, there is one thing I like about my room, it is close to the front door. I reached my hand out ward to the door knob when a hand grabbed a chunk of my hair and pushed me to the floor.

"You're late!" he loomed over me, alcohol tinted in his sickening breath, "What- kick- did- kick-I tell-kick- you- kick- about- being- kick- late?" That was it, I was tired of this and finally snapped.

I feebly stood up and lost my temper, "You do relies that this is child abuse, right?"

Oh carp, I really tested his limits, and like always, he was going to to teach me a lesson to fix my 'insolence'. My worst fear came true as he un lopped his belt and came at me. He once again pushed me to the ground and flipped me over, stomach down.

"That's for steeling my food," he lashed the belt on my back. How did he even know about the food?

"That's for coming home late-lash- That's for killing Martha-whip." That is not true, I did NOT kill my mother! I tried to tell him that, for the thousandth time, but he wasn't finished.

"Don't- lash- ever- lash- tell- lash- any body- lash- and- lash- don't- lash- ever threaten- lash- me- lash- again!" At the last word, my mind fell into abyss, then into somewhere I didn't want to be.

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I was 13 years old and my family was going on a road trip to a forested lake near by. Back then, Jimmy wasn't a alcoholic, he was nice to mom, so I put up with him. Although he was awful to me, I wanted my mom to be happy, and that's what he made her. Mom thought it would be a good idea to go swimming at one point. About 30 minutes in, Jimmy went into the cabin, leaving me and my mom alone. I was swimming under water until something caught my leg. I started to panic, trying to get to the surface. My mom swam over and loosened the plant from my foot. However, when she untied me, she was treading water and in turn, got her own foot tightly restricted by the water plants. She pushed me up to the surface after my failed attempt to get her free. I hit air, gasping for breath as I watch the water become still. Horrified, I called for Jimmy, but it was to late. He came back, taking his sweet time until he heard my cries. He got furious. He hit me, square in the jaw and spat, "You did this, this is all your fault."

After that, he started to drink. He started drugs. But the most depressing thought, the words he spoke that fateful day, I believed, and they never left my mind.

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