The New Kid

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   So now I have to find another reason why I can't dress out in PE. After a seconds thought I decided to skip. The librarian is used to me coming during second period. She just waved and went back to focusing on her computer. There where no 'shouldn't you be in class' or 'What are you doing?', and it is nice. I grabbed a nice looking book from the shelf and started to read on the couch. My reading was cut short , however, for my urge to sleep was over whelming, to much to resist.

I woke up to the next bell ringing. Darn, I slept through the entire peorid, so I dragged myself to history.

Once again, I took a seat at the back of the class and got situated. Just as I put my head no my desk, the teacher, Mrs. Widdg, cleared her thought. I lifted my head just a bit and saw a new, handsome boy. He strutted in, tall and confident. He looked around the room, caught my eye and winked. Yes, he winked at me, the person that is narrating the story, not the exchange student. Yah, I was just as surprised as you. Back to the point, the teacher started to introduce him.

" Good morning class, this is Mike. Please welcome him in the warm environment," I almost snorted at 'warm environment'. Most of the class muttered hi's and he started to prowl for a seat. Girl giggled and gestured at empty seats around them as he passed them. To everyones suppise, he decided to sit next to me.

"hey," he said cockily.

"I wouldn't sit there if I where you," I warned, "looking at you, I'd say you're already on the verge of being popular."

"Nah, being popular is over rated", he said causally. He was really starting to get on my nerves. Here I was, trying to warn him, but he was just pushing all my right buttons.

"Have I seen you before? You look familiar," he started to talk again, " Oh my lord, do you play soccer?!"

"I used to," I humord him.

"Are you Charlize Night shade? I am like your biggest fan!" he pulled out a sports magazine with eight-year old me on the cover. Now he was really starting to creep me out.

"Why did you stop? You where amazing!"

"My mom died," I stated bluntly. Ha! that made him shut up.

"Gesh, that sucks."

After that he finally shut up for the rest of the class.

At lunch, I got my tray and was about to go to the library when a hand grabbed my shoulder. Great, I jumped 5 feet until I saw Mike.

"Hey, chill down. All I wanted to do is ask if you wanted to eat lunch with me," he didn't wait for an answer, however, he just started to walk across the cafeteria, still holding my arm in his hand. He dragged me twards a table full of track stars and cheerleaders.

"What's she like doing like here," said a girl I recognized as Paige, the head cheerleader.

"I invited her," Mike announced.

"Don't like hang out with like her, Paige was relentless.

"Thanks for the warm welcome, but I'll just go," I told Mike

"Oh, okay," he waved goodbye.

"Mike, lust look at her. her hair never leaves her face and has split ends. Plus she weres that gross black hoodie every day with those gross jean every day," I herd another cheerleader say as I walked to the library with my head down.

So sorry that it took so long to update, but don't worry, I already wrote about 3 chapters at school, the only problem is finding time to type it. Anyhoo, keep reading, voting and comment!

The Author

I don't want to put stereotypes about cheerleaders, it's just for the story!

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